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Family health (Essay Sample)

The task focus on the health of the family globally.Family as an integrated and a unit function of society has been a required time which captures the attention and researchers' imagination. Family solely is a matter of consideration which is significant to research the roles as a factor leading to and affecting the development, behavior, and individual well-being. Family is also important in sociology, economics, psychology, and social work studies as they are the source of relevant and required information for health adjustment globally. A family is also a study unit in medical sciences, more so the epidemiological and natural disease history understanding, and also acts as a source of family medicine. source..
Family Health Student name Institution affiliation Instructor name Course Date Family Health Describing Family Structure Family as an integrated and a unit function of society has been a required time which captures the attention and researchers' imagination. Family solely is a matter of consideration which is significant to research the roles as a factor leading to and affecting the development, behavior, and individual well-being. Family is also important in sociology, economics, psychology, and social work studies as they are the source of relevant and required information for health adjustment globally. A family is also a study unit in medical sciences, more so the epidemiological and natural disease history understanding, and also acts as a source of family medicine (Moxley,2019).  Overall Health Behaviors of a Family Health behaviors are generally deduced as an action, investment, or choice of consumption that affects health as a major input in the individual's health results. The listed behaviors take various identities, such as severe habits, including smokes and drinks, and positively including consuming of high preventive care. The initial research of economics has underestimated significance of relationships of the family in determination of person behavior, considering agenda of finance resources sharing for goods consumption and labor supply choices. However, there is a potentially important function for a family in creating healthy traits over the natural cause of the cycle of life, through various channels such as information flow, being aware and attentive, and formation of beliefs and norms. Yet, identification of casual relationships for family spillovers that affect health behaviors has a challenge because of the probability of interrelated unobservable and between family generations. similarly, it requires setting large data on health and healthcare consumption with linkages across members of the family. Through research and studies, we have analyzed how health traits have been modified through spillovers of the family both within and across generations. considerably we have estimated the effects of casual off-health shocks to people on the family members on consumption of care prevention and utilization, indicating the similar health traits, basing focus on married and adult children. The estimated strategy depends on shock timing by constructions of counterfactuals to people that are affected using people that experience the similar shock. Exploiting these different layers of family and social connections further facilitates us on the investigation of the health behaviors spillover scope within one's network. Family Health Barriers Most barriers affect the rural communities where many factors influence their health because they experience higher risks of chronic conditions than their urban counterparts. Limitations of getting access to the promotion of health and disease prevention programs and inadequate health care services access contribute to these health care challenges. Below are some of the barriers that limit their access to appropriate healthcare services; are high rates of poverty which makes them unable to pay for their services and required programs, and social and cultural beliefs surrounding their health behaviors. Language difference and disparities in education, limitation in accessing affordable, reliable options of transportation, unemployment, lack of healthy food access and options of physical activity, and unavailability of resources that can help support personnel, facility use, and effective operation program. There is also a lack of motivation for patients to make changes in lifestyle, inadequate reimbursement, lack of proven effectiveness of interventions, and a shortage of health promotion overview programs in their neighborhood (Mizanskey. al 2020). Family System Theory The theory of the family system has the assumption that, a family is understood by testing and analyzing the general system of a family with inclusion of its characteristics generally. This type of system is of complexity, connected, changing of the part collection deeply, subsystems, and members of family, with a member having a role that is known. The main agenda of the theory entail boundaries, equilibrium, and bidirectional. Based on the family theory, individuals who experience crises or problems are served best by assessments with the inclusion of other members of the system instead of examining single-member families only. The theory assumes that families can test their processes and end up setting thei...
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