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Research Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility (Essay Sample)


Describe the normal pathophysiology of gastric acid stimulation and production. Explain the changes that occur to gastric acid stimulation and production with GERD, PUD, and gastritis disorders.
Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of GERD, PUD, and gastritis. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.
Construct a mind map for gastritis. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper


Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility
Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility
Normal Pathophysiology of Gastric Acid Stimulation and Production
Gastric acid refers to the digestive juice secreted by the gastric glands located on the stomach walls. The secretion of this juice is stimulated by the presence of food substance in the stomach which helps initiate the digestion process. The secretion can at times digest the walls of the stomach through the processes of protein hydrolysis and cell destructions. The cells that produce this secretion are known as gastric parietal cells. They contain secretory pathways through which the gastric juice is secreted into the stomach. Production of gastric acid occurs in response to messages received through paracrine, neurocrine and hormonal transmitters and incorporates three distinct phases. These phases include cephalic, gastric and intestinal phases (Singh et al., 2017).
Changes that Occur to Gastric Acid Stimulation and Production with GERD, PUD, and Gastritis Disorders.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also referred to as heart burn, is a condition resulting from gastric materials’ reflux into the esophagus causing several injuries to esophagus tissues. Therefore, the gastric acid stimulation and production increases in the presence of GERD condition due to increased influx of gastric acid into the esophagus (Goodwin et al., 2013). Gastritis, on the other hand, is a condition where the stomach wall undergoes inflammation thus eroding secretory glands. This eliminates some of the gastric glands leading to reduction in gastric acid stimulation and production. The major known cause of gastritis is infection by a group of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori which digests and infects stomach walls. The production of gastric acid sharply increases the density of this bacteria in the stomach thus elevating the severity of mucosal erosion which could ultimately lead to cancer. Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) disturbs the integrity of the stomach mucosa thus leading to massive production and stimulation of the gastric acid.
How Behavior Impact Pathophysiology of GERD, PUD, and Gastritis.
Eating in excess and drug abuse such as alcohol addiction increase the amount of acid present in the stomach. The amount of acid produced after alcohol consumption has been shown to drastically increase and differs among various individuals (Goodwin et al., 2013). Smoking increases the rate at which an individual coughs thus causing frequent closing and opening of sphincter muscle. This activity increases the amount of acid that secretes into the stomach thus causing a burning sensation of gut walls.
How to Diagnose and Prescribe Treatment of these Disorders
Those engaging in drug abuse usually show typical symptoms of these disorders. Some of the expected symptoms include chest pains, bloat, bloody stools, dry coughs, weight loss, nausea, regurgitations and heartburn (Siddique et al., 2014). Such symptoms make diagnosis of these conditions pretty easy as compared to cases where such symptoms are absent. In cases where there is lack of these obvious symptoms, diagnostic tests have to be carried out to accurately determine the condition presented. Such tests may include upper endoscopy, stool and blood test. PUD can be diagnosed through ECG and IgG breath test. For GERD, diagnosis may involve twenty four hours monitoring of esophageal pH. The disorders can be treated through intake of antacids and anti...
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