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Global Healthcare Issues in Vulnerable Populations Medicine Essay (Essay Sample)


Global Healthcare Issues in Vulnerable Populations AND THE ROLES OF NURSES IN ADDRESSING THE VULNERABILITIES.


Global Healthcare Issues in Vulnerable Populations
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There is a huge strain on healthcare resources globally and hence the need for coordinated response from all nations and to achieve progress, the health reducing disparities will be based on enhanced understanding of the sustainable development goals, support of community-based strategies and the increment on the diversity of the workforce. To achieve global equitable healthcare accessible to vulnerable populations there is need for collaboration between governments, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare facilities and providers in ensuring that appropriate policies are designed to promote ease of accessibility to healthcare.
Global health is burdened with huge disparities within healthcare based on different factors especially the socioeconomic disparities. The world Health Organization (WHO) argues that healthcare should be equitably distributed (fair) and as best as it can be (good) (Cashen, Dykes & Gerber, 2016). Hence, based on this ideology, regardless of how good healthcare services are, if they are distributed unfairly then we still face the challenge of health disparities. To eliminate healthcare disparities, we have to analyze the social determinants of healthcare i.e. physical environment, healthcare quality and accessibility, health behaviors and socio-economic factors. WHO have repeatedly mentioned that most diseases in developing countries are diseases of poverty; either caused by poverty or contributing to poverty i.e. malaria has direct and indirect economic development constraints (Montgomery & Oladapo, 2014). Poverty and lack of education are considered as the primary causes of vulnerability.

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