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Health and Wellness Program (Essay Sample)


the sample is abouth healthy living and overall body wellness in humans.


Health and Wellness Program
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Health and Wellness Program
The body directly responds to how it is managed. A healthy lifestyle and proper treatment of the human body translates to healthy living and improved quality of life. A health and wellness program is an exhaustive design formulated to improve an individual’s health through protection against diseases, a balanced diet, physical exercises, proper stress handling. A health and wellness program varies depending on the financial capability, age, gender, geographic location and health status.
I like the totality of the health and wellness programs. All issues affecting the quality of life are tackled all under one program. I also like the fact that wellness programs can be enforced at places of work and the involved workers can be monitored and incentives offered to motivate them to work towards maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle (Arena et al, 2013). Individuals that have been diagnosed with chronic diseases have also been provided for in the wellness programs.
I feel the strengths of the health and wellness programs is their policies on proper diet, management of stress, formulations of ways of protecting self against illness and exercising. Stress is a major contributor to mental illness and deaths globally. Stress management has been exclusively handled in the wellness program thus promoting positive psychological health. Lifestyle diseases for example obesity, heart diseases and cancer have also been managed in the wellness program.
Through the wellness program institutions and workplaces have been able to adopt cultures of enhancing life through the provision of gyms, yoga sessions and nutrition workshops and mediation rooms. Through the wellness programs, mass populations are reached out hence increased awareness on healthy living. The wellness programs reach family units extensively through workers implementing healthy lifestyle principles at workplaces down to their homes.
Through the increased rates of lifestyle diseases, deteriorated health and deaths I would recommend the governing health bodies to adopt the initiative of legalizing health and wellness programs as a mandatory tool in all institutions and workplaces. Through this initiative all age groups can be incorporated into the program and mass populations made aware, therefore, an exclusive engagement and not voluntary participation. This will improve the health and wellness program. The provision of exciting varieties and healthy alternatives will also improve the program. The existent programs should not be too strict and boring to adapt.
I feel equipped to apply for job openings in the health field. I have learnt that health is a very extensive career field that does not only involve medication but also include a sound mind, and quality nutrition as they are all linked towards achieving a sustainable life. Through the health studies and wellness programs, I have been able to appreciate the importance of psychological health through meditations and yoga sessions that are an aspect of the wellness program.
I feel very confident in my ability to work with individuals and groups by assessing their personal wellness challenges, needs and their goals. Through the well

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