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Explain how discrimination, labelling and stigma impact on service users in health and social care (Essay Sample)


A 1500 word essay that explains how discrimination, labelling and stigma impact on service users in health and social care.
Paper for 1st year Public Health Student


Explain how discrimination, labelling and stigma impact on service users in health and social care (1500 words)
Many individuals that have a mental health illness face challenges on multiple fronts. Besides dealing with the symptoms of their illness, they may also face stigma, discrimination and labelling CITATION Cor02 \l 2057 (Corrigan & Watson, 2002). Individuals within the black and minority ethnic (BME) demographic group who experience mental health problems face intense stigma and discrimination from their own community and whilst accessing some public services. This leads to serious social injuries that are thoroughly damagingCITATION Kni12 \l 2057 (Knifton, 2014). The sufferers as a result delay seeking help as they fear the social consequences to having their illness/ problem revealed CITATION Sch08 \l 2057 (Schomerus & Angermeyer, 2008). The discrimination, labelling and stigma faced within these communities is based on a combination of distorted and inaccurate beliefs, negative attitudes and discriminatory behaviour (Knifton, 2014, p.287).
This essay will begin by giving definitions for discrimination, stigma and labelling. Then it will seek to explore how those within the BME community suffering from mental health illness, experience discrimination, labelling and stigma in health and social care. This will be at the point of access and also the law that seeks to ensure all service users receive adequate help from public services. This essay will also explore how this treatment leads to an ingrained negative personal viewpoint from the service user. A brief statement will then be given of the various services provided in health and social care services for BME mental health service users. A summative conclusion will conclude.
Stigma is a complex term to define and has evaded a clear operational definition. Stigma is the reaction that the general population has to people with mental illness CITATION Cor02 \l 2057 (Corrigan & Watson, 2002). Moreover, stigma is a mark or sign of disgrace that usually elicits negative attitudes to its bearer CITATION Tho07 \l 2057 (Thorncroft, et al., 2007). Stigma is an amalgamation of three related problems: a lack of knowledge (ignorance and misinformation), negative attitudes(prejudice) and excluding or avoiding behaviours (discrimination) CITATION Tho08 \l 2057 (Thorncroft, 2008). These three forces once combined will become a powerful force for social exclusion.

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