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Healthcare Policy and Politics (Essay Sample)


The assignment is on Healthcare policy and politics. The political system is IMPORTANT to public health and This essay discusses why it is needed. I also talk about the impact of the mentor/professor thorough all this as he helped understand that adhering to set rules reduces the LIKELIHOOD OF mistakes and MISUNDERSTANDINGs.


Healthcare Policy and Politics
Student’s Name
Healthcare Policy and Politics
Public health professionals liken the political system to the subway's third rail. However, without this third rail, the train cannot move, and accomplishing public health goals requires continual, fruitful engagement between political institutions and public health. This essay discusses why such dialogues are needed and gives recommendations for how to have them. Therefore, it's crucial to look at the linkages between politics, healthcare, and my professor's influence on my education.
Aside from the historical context, political leaders and advocates for public health have a fundamental misperception of incentives and imperatives. While some of these issues are specifically related to public health, others are part of more general scientific and political discussions. Utilizing scientific knowledge to improve people's health and lower the prevalence of sickness is the aim of public health. An example of a public policy decision made via the political process is allocating scarce public resources (Patel & Rushefsky, n.d.).
Discussions on how to improve public health were often framed in the context of disagreements about the proper role of the state. The government

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