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How does the integration of artificial intelligence in healthcare systems impact patient outcomes and the overall quality of medical diagnosis and treatment? (Essay Sample)

Instructions Now that you have had an in-depth instruction on how to search library databases, locate two additional peer-reviewed journal essays. Ideally your examples should introduce new ideas and perspectives to your thought process. Address the following: Which library databases are best to use for your topic (remember, these databases do not all have to fit into one defined discipline)? Or, did you use Google Scholar? Describe the search strategies you used to limit your topic (i.e., keyword versus subject searching; Boolean operators; date limitations; and certainly peer-reviewed limiters.). Evaluate the authority of the authors. Would you target these authors for further research? Why or why not? Have the authors of these sources come to different conclusions? What does that have to do with their disciplinary conventions, authority, or bias? source..
How the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Systems Impact Patient Outcomes and the Overall Quality of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date How the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Systems Impact Patient Outcomes and the Overall Quality of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Library Databases Best to Use For Your Topic The best library databases for the research topic are PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, BioMed Central, and ACM Digital Library. PubMed is one of the largest biomedical literature databases and contains research articles from the National Library of Medicine and other medical journals on a broad range of emerging health-related topics like AI. Cochrane Library will also be instrumental in researching the case since it is an assortment of databases that includes meta-analyses and systematic reviews of diverse healthcare topics, including AI-related interventions. Embase is another established biomedical literature database with more global content than PubMed on various health-related issues. BioMed Central is also suitable for the research topic because it is an independent biomedical research publications database with current information about controlled trials, including those involving AI. ACM Digital Library is also appropriate for the topic since it contains an extensive archive of full-text articles and bibliographic records on various issues, from information technology to computing. Search Strategies You Used to Limit Your Topic The search strategies used to limit the topic include full-text limit, scholarly reviewed limit, journal/book limit, and publication date limit. The full-text limit ensured that databases only returned full-text research articles in their search findings. Conversely, the scholarly reviewed limit was applied to ensure that only peer-reviewed articles were produced in database search results. A Journal/book limit was implemented to ensure that only academic journal and book source types were returned in database search results. On the other hand, the publication date limit was used to ensure that only articles within the past five years were returned in database search results. The search strategies also included using keywords instead of subject searching. A list of keywords encapsulating the topic's primary ideas or central concepts was created to increase the investigator's search capacity. The keywords did not include minor words, verb phrases, or prepositions. Most keywords were nouns or noun phrases expressing the impact of integrating artificial intelligence in healthcare systems on patient outcomes and the quality of medical diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the search strategy also included Boolean searching, where the researcher combines or restricts words and phrases to retrieve the most relevant search findings. The investigator included several Boolean terms to expand search results to include concepts relating to the research topic. Only the most pertinent images, relationships, and keywords were used to increase the accuracy of search results. This was an important component that ensured all the sources chosen were aligned with the topic. Authority Of the Authors The first article is “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Transforming the Practice of Medicine” by Bajwa et al. (2021). This source is a literature review of recent successes in implementing AI in healthcare. It is also a roadmap for how healthcare institutions can apply effective, reliable, and safe AI systems to transform the industry as well as the delivery of healthcare. The article's authors are distinguished scholars: Junaid Bajwa is a chief medical scientist, Bryan Williams is a chair of medicine, Usman Munir is a research program manager, and the fourth author, Aditya Nori, is a head of health intelligence. I would target these authors for further research because their article is a rigorous peer-review source that provides scientifically accurate, novel, and critical information on the impacts of AI in clinical practice. The second article is “The Potential for artificial intelligence in Healthcare” by Davenport and Kalakota (2019). This source is also a review of types of AI systems being applied in the healthcare industry. The authors group AI applications in healthcare tasks, including administrative function, patient diagnosis, intervention, and patient engagement and adherence. Furthermore, the source covers ethical issues in the use of AI i...
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