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Introduction to Nursing Research (Essay Sample)

Similarities between Grounded Theory and Ethnographic Research. Challenges accompanying cognitive behavioural therapy There are several challenges that people may run into during the course of cognitive behavioral therapy. Change Can Be Difficult Initially, some patients suggest that while they recognize that certain thoughts are not rational or healthy, simply becoming aware of these thoughts does not make it easy to alter them. CBT Is Very Structured Cognitive behavioral therapy doesn't tend to focus on underlying unconscious resistances to change as much as other approaches such as psychoanalytic psychotherapy.14 It is often best-suited for clients who are more comfortable with a structured and focused approach in which the therapist often takes an instructional role. People Must Be Willing to Change For cognitive behavioral therapy to be effective, the individual must be ready and willing to spend time and effort analyzing their thoughts and feelings. Such self-analysis and homework can be difficult, but it is a great way to learn more about how internal states impact outward behavior. Progress Is Often Gradual In most cases, CBT is a gradual process that helps a person take incremental steps toward a behavior change. For example, someone with social anxiety might start by simply imagining anxiety-provoking social situations. Next, they might start practicing conversations with friends, family, and acquaintances. By progressively working toward a larger goal, the process seems less daunting and the goals easier to achieve. source..
Introduction to Nursing Research Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date Introduction to Nursing Research Bartholomew and Brown (2019) posited that the primary goal of adopting qualitative methods in nursing research is to understand various aspects of the study from the perspectives of those experiencing the phenomenon. There are three types of qualitative research designs in nursing research. However, this paper focuses on the similarities and differences between grounded theory and ethnographic research. Similarities between Grounded Theory and Ethnographic Research Cho and Lee (2014) suggested that with both research designs, the researcher can investigate a particular phenomenon in its natural context using a holistic approach to various aspects of the study. The scholar also pointed out that ethnography and grounded theory research adopt more than one data collection approach to help the researcher provide multiple interpretations of the phenomena to enhance the credibility and accuracy of the study outcome. Another similarity is that in both methodologies, the scholar presents the results from the participants' perspective of experience with a particular phenomenon, where excerpts from the applicants are used to enrich the findings (Bartholomew & Brown, 2019). Differences between Grounded Theory and Ethnographic Research Bartholomew and Brown (2019) established that while ethnographic research entails understanding the applicants' behavior concerning specific cultures, grounded theory explains the whole context on which the study is built, interweaving it with the behavior of that particular phenomenon. Besides, the grounded theory discusses the substantive theory and conceptual analysis created from raw data. On the other hand, ethnographic research employs a descriptive approach, including narratives in describing the applicants' responses (Bartholomew & Brown, 2019). Furthermore, grounded theory adopts theoretical sampling techniques to help build the theory. On the contrary, ethnographic research uses purpose sampling (Bartholomew & Brown, 2019). According to Cho and Lee (2014), literature is not consulted b...
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