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Is Caffeine an Enhancer or Harmful to People's Health? (Essay Sample)


Is caffeine an enhancer or harmful to people's health? this paper looks at both sides of this argument


Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions
What human beings consume is very important because the human body is primarily made up of the drinks and foods. One of the most consumed drinks is coffee. People consume coffee for memory enhancement and to improve their physical performance. However, the continuous intake of caffeine is believed to cause caffeine dependence putting the individual at risk of premature death.
From numerous studies conducted, caffeine seems to have some cognitive-enhancing effects. In terms of cognitive functioning, reports indicate that there is a link between the consumption of caffeine and a lower risk of neurodegenerative diseases (McLellan, Caldwell, & Lieberman, 2016). Likewise, caffeine has also been termed as a memory enhancer. In one study seeking to understand the effects of caffeine on short-term memory, participants were given 300 mg caffeine where researchers observed that individuals seemed to recall tasks better after consuming caffeine. However, researchers noted that caffeine facilitates working memory only to a certain extent. Research in the log-term memory found that caffeine does increase arousal but has no distinctive effect on a person’s memory. In regards to enhancing memory, there has been a series of contrasting evidence.
The stimulant effects of caffeinated drinks go centuries back. One case of a well-known chronic caffeine consumer is Honoré De Balzac. He was completely dependent on coffee and claimed that the consumption of this drink helped enhance his memories. While one testimonial from an avid coffee drinker is not enough, science has gone ahead to prove the effects of caffeine on mood and alertness. Caffeine increases psychological alertness because it acts as a stimulant. For example, an athlete who consumes coffee may work harder and last longer. According to a study conducted among athletes, 84% of those who consumed caffeine remained active throughout the day while 16% of those who did not consume wore out faster (Cappalletti, Daria, Sani, & Aromatario, 2015). Caffeine was also reported to improve reaction time and increase vigilance performance. The reason caffeine is considered a stimulant is because its effects correlate with the action in the neuroendocrine control systems. Despite its enhancement ability, excessive consumption of caffeine can be hazardous.
Some people go on to abuse caffeine to improve their physical performance and enhance their memories. In such cases, some of these people develop a dependence on caffeinated drinks. Individuals with this dependence syndrome proceed to consume caffeine ignoring all safety concerns. According to DSM-5, any craving brought on by caffeine is the onset of substance abuse. Further reports indicate that people with chronic caffeine consumption are likely to experience psychiatric symptoms mainly mood disorder, alteration of one’s behavior and heightened anxiety. Such symptoms are believed to be the beginning of caffeine toxicity.
Caffeine toxicity is a syndrome recognized by the World Health Organization and DSM-5. It is characterized by specific symptoms which include restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, tremors, gastrointestinal and in some cases d

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