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Leadership Styles in Nursing (Essay Sample)


The task was about various leadership styles used in the field of nursing


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Leadership is defined as the ability of a person to influence, inspire gear up, and badge other persons to add on the way to the efficiency and accomplishment or a group or organization which they are engaged in. Hence leadership styles simply defines a leader’s characteristic behaviors in the activity of directing, motivating and managing a particular group of folks.
An authoritarian leadership is depicted by a leader’s control over all decisions and inputs from the members. It is based on a leader’s belief of ideas and judgments regardless of the pieces of advice being given to him by the followers thus giving the leader a complete control over a group of people. Democratic leadership on the other hand involves a collaborative rather a participative part in the decision making process of members; in as much the leader has the final say over the decisions made, better contributions from the group members is often put in consideration too. Laissez-Faire leadership permits all group members to actually make decisions and often a times, the outcome of such management results to low productivity in group members CITATION GCu10 \l 1033 (Cummings, 2010).
From my personality, I can say I am an authoritarian leader and it do fits my character and profession too. This style can of course help me in making quick decisions and su

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