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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Medical Errors: Effects to the Patients and Nurses (Essay Sample)


Self reflection on the medical errors. Explain the effects to the patients and the nurse in specific conducted the error. The paper involves subsection with questions that are supposed to be answered and therefore makes part of teh reflection. It involves the self engagement to the situation to learn the way to prevent the occurence of such error


2957540 Reflection paper
Course- Section
1 Five words
2 Describing the Reactions
Based on the readings, I was devasted by the result of the error that the nurse committed. It showered that; the error determined the patient's life, a situation that cannot be reversed. I was emotionally wrecked because even though the nurse was judged, it could not change the case as the patient had died (Arkin, Schuermann, Penoyer & Loerzel, 2022). Occasionally, I felt enlightened such that the patients' lives lie in the nurses' hands. Even though human beings are not free of error, mistakes result in the loss of life in nursing. It is something worth thinking about and considering, as errors are discouraged in the field of nursing. I could not believe that sometimes, life can end due to errors. There is little the nurse could have done to reverse the situation. I have learned that being a nurse is a required field that requires proper handling of patients and is free 

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