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Nurse Negligence Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


its about application of nurse negligence in st. george's hospital


Nurse Negligence
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This paper will focus on how the nurses’ negligence can affect them, their patients and what they need to do always so that such mistakes will not happen in hospitals and clinics.
A 97-year-old grandmother, Nymphea Anderson from Sydney was admitted at St George Hospital on 27th January 2009, with angina, dehydration, a urinary tract infection, vomiting, and nausea. When the nurse, Ms. Lopez began her shift on 30th January in the evening, the grandmother’s prognosis had improved, and she was about to be released. Unfortunately, after some time, Ms. Lopez found out that Mrs. Anderson was having difficulties in swallowing. She decided against the proper practice, to crush three different oral tablets and put them into Mrs. Anderson’s IV-drip, without consulting an experienced or registered nurse for the matter. Unfortunately, the particles of these medicines impended oxygenation of Mrs. Anderson’s blood in the pulmonary arteries. This contributed to the heart attack, which caused her death.
The death of Mrs. Anderson, a mother of five and a grandmother of many, was as a result of Ms. Lopez, nurse negligence. Even if the patient had an extensive medical history, that included severe heart disease and blood pressure, she was ready to be discharged from the hospital that evening. 

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