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Nursing Philosophy Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


Defining personal philosophy of nursing


Philosophy of Nursing Essay
Philosophy of Nursing Essay
My name is Jennifer Hippensteel and I study BSN (Bachelor Science Nursing) in Phoenix University. I always had a penchant for providing care to patients in the nursing capacity since I was in high school in a hospital setting.
Nursing is functionally a divine career because it is the nucleus of patient care. The identification and protection of patients’ needs and rights usually settles down on the nurses’ roles in a health care facility. In this regard, nursing is an important career because every human being deserves immaculate patient care without discrimination of race, ethnicity, religion or any other variable.
Define Nursing
In functionality, nursing earns its definition as a science and also an art. It operates akin to a brain and heart in a human’s body. At the heart, nursing holds the respect that human dignity should always have and an intuition that seeks to meet patients’ needs. The mind holds the core of rigorous learning that brings out the professionalism to meet differentiated patient needs. In essence, science helps the nurses to understand the right medication and other health care needs that the patients need. It is an art because the application of the patient-care needs requires a refined technique and subsequent practice to provide optimal healing conditions for the patients to realize their desired patient outcomes. Nursing care fundamentally promotes health, prevents diseases, and cares for the mentally and physically ill, the disabled as well as the aged among other people in different community health care settings.
Nursing exists for various primary reasons that are embedded on the need to promote health among patients by enhancing recovery and preventing illnesses. Firstly, nursing is existent because it facilitates the administration and evaluation of patients’ treatment. Physicians play a significant role of administering the appropriate examination and subsequent treatment. However, nurses help them out by ensuring that all medication is present, the environment is optimal for treatment and the patient is in the right physical and mental state. A lack of these can cause undesired patient outcome, which asserts the need for the existence of nursing. Nurses also assess the progression of a treatment plan and they can alert the physician for an immediate improvement or termination of the plan. On the other hand, nurses are critical agents in health care environment because they offer excellent emotional support needed for patients to heal appropriately. They always have a broad understanding of a patient’s illness. They also offer counseling to the patient, family and guardian.
I practice nursing because it is an interesting career that I am genuinely passionate about. I have always yearned for it to care for patients with different needs. Nothing is more fulfilling than providing care to people with various illnesses and putting a smile on their faces as they recover. It is a God-sent career that I wish to practice throughout my life because patients are the most vulnerable people and they constantly deserve immaculate nursing care to heal or learn to live with their terminal illnesses.

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