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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Federal Health Care Essay Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


The task in this sample required us to research five regional Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and federally qualified health centers and for every hospital summarize our findings in relation to the current quality improvement measures.
The sample focuses on continuous quality improvement and the benefits these have for the populations receiving care in five major hospitals which include Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Manhattan VA Medical Center, Antelope Valley VA Clinic, Arnold Palmer Hospital, and Washington VA Medical Center.


Continuous Quality Improvement
Institutional Affiliation:
Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous quality improvement refers to the process used by organizations to develop an appropriate environment for the management and workers always to keep improving quality. The Veteran Affairs healthcare system in the United States applies quality improvement in all its operations to enhance efficiency, reduce wastes, as well as increase employee and patient or customer satisfaction (Detert, 2019). Therefore, the hospitals apply a continuous quality improvement to assess the operations of the organization and approaches that can be used to enhance their processes. This paper will describe a study on five federally qualified health centres and local veterans’ affairs hospitals and report the current quality improvements being implemented in each hospital as well as the benefits of these measures to healthcare receivers.
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
This healthcare facility is the largest Veteran Affairs hospital in the United States. It is the leading provider of healthcare for approximately 130,000 veterans in the United States (Hooke, Rose & Miller, 2017). MEDVAMC is a centre for research and development, medical treatment and surgery as well as diagnostic care and radiation therapy for Veterans. The hospital also provides injured veterans with other services, which include nuclear medicine, cardiovascular surgery, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. It treats spinal cord injuries and ophthalmology issues.

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