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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Nursing Shortage and Turnover. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


the essay discusses problems experienced in the nursing industry. distinctly, it discusses Nursing Shortage and Turnover.


Nursing Shortage and Turnover
Institutional Affiliation:
Nursing Shortage and Turnover
The Issue
Nurses are considered pillars in any healthcare industry. They play significant roles in promoting healthcare and wellness within communities. However, staff shortage and turnover has been a problem especially in the United States. Surveys conducted have revealed a 90 percent turnover of the employees in the nursing sector and healthcare facilities (Hunt, 2009). The main reason for the shortage and high turnover is dissatisfaction witnessed among nurses in regards to different aspects of their jobs. Nursing shortages and turnover can be solved through the implementation of effective leadership skills and management strategies. Fundamentally, nursing leaders and managers play critical roles in ensuring job satisfaction and ultimate retention of valuable talents. Discussion of the issue takes into account the examination of roles these leaders play, different approaches and theories they engage and the sources of funding to eliminate the problem.
Nursing Leaders and Managers Approaches
The healthcare system has gone through a series of changes and transformations. One area has been the development of strong, creative and effective managers and leaders. These individuals formulate policies, define goals and manage other staff. Therefore, their actions can impact positively or negatively on performance of staff and the entire organization. For instance, leaders and managers are aware that employees must be motivated, committed, demonstrate integrity, courage and ability to handle different challenging situations. Effective leaders must have the skills and abilities to encourage and inspire nurses to work as teams towards the achievement of set objectives and common goals. The moment they fail to address these challen

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