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Prevention of Stroke and Hypertension in the African American Community (Essay Sample)

The African American community faces significant health issues related to hypertension and stroke. In the United States, African Americans are more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to have hypertension and stroke (Sharrief et al., 2016). This research area primer aims to investigate African American community stroke and hypertension prevention. Disparities in healthcare, cultural beliefs and practices, and education and awareness will all be the focus of the primer. What are the strategies that can be implemented to prevent hypertension and stroke in the African American community? This is the research question that needs to be pursued. The majority of the findings of the literature review can be summarized as follows: the prevalence of hypertension and stroke among African Americans is significantly influenced by healthcare disparities as well as cultural beliefs and practices. source..
Prevention of Stroke and Hypertension in the African American Community Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date Prevention of Stroke and Hypertension in the African American Community Introduction The African American community faces significant health issues related to hypertension and stroke. In the United States, African Americans are more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to have hypertension and stroke (Sharrief et al., 2016). This research area primer aims to investigate African American community stroke and hypertension prevention. Disparities in healthcare, cultural beliefs and practices, and education and awareness will all be the focus of the primer. What are the strategies that can be implemented to prevent hypertension and stroke in the African American community? This is the research question that needs to be pursued. The majority of the findings of the literature review can be summarized as follows: the prevalence of hypertension and stroke among African Americans is significantly influenced by healthcare disparities as well as cultural beliefs and practices. Theme 1: Healthcare Disparities Visual aid table for Healthcare Disparities in the African American Community Study Finding Schoenthaler et al. (2020) African Americans with hypertension had less access to healthcare and lower rates of blood pressure control than their white counterparts. Jones et al. (2020) African American women with hypertension were less likely to receive adequate blood pressure control and were more likely to experience adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Artiga & Hinton (2018) African Americans face significant barriers to healthcare access, including lack of insurance, cost, transportation, and lack of access to healthcare providers. The three studies that looked at healthcare disparities in the African American community are summarized in the table. Schoenthaler et al. (2020) study found that African Americans with hypertension had lower rates of blood pressure control and less access to healthcare than White Americans. In Jones et al. (2020) study, African American women with hypertension were found to have a higher risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes and a lower likelihood of receiving adequate blood pressure control. African Americans face significant barriers to healthcare access, according to the study by Artiga & Hinton (2018). These barriers include a lack of insurance, high costs, transportation, and inaccessibility to healthcare providers. The table highlights the need for interventions to address healthcare disparities in the African American community and demonstrates the trend of these disparities. Theme 2: Cultural Beliefs and Practices Visual aid for Cultural Beliefs and Practices in the Prevention of Hypertension and Stroke Study Finding Webb et al. (2018) African Americans had cultural beliefs that influenced their perceptions of hypertension, including the belief that hypertension was a natural part of aging or a result of stress. Harrison et al. (2018) African Americans had cultural beliefs about physical activity that influenced their exercise habits. Artinian et al. (2006) Cultural beliefs about medication use influenced medication adherence among African Americans with hypertension. The findings of three studies on African American cultural beliefs and practices in the prevention of hypertension and stroke are summarized in the table. The initial research by Webb et al. (2018) found that African Americans' perceptions of hypertension were influenced by cultural beliefs, such as the belief that hypertension was a normal part of aging or caused by stress. Harrison et al.'s (2018) study found that African Americans' exercise habits were influenced by cultural beliefs about physical activity. Artinian et al.'s (2006) study found that African Americans with hypertension's medication adherence was influenced by cultural beliefs about medication use. The need for culturally sensitive interventions and the trend in the influence of cultural beliefs and practices on the prevention of hypertension and stroke in the African American community are highlighted in the table. Conclusion The prevention of hypertension and stroke in the African American community has been the subject of this research area primer. The two main themes, healthcare disparities and cultural beliefs and practices, have been talked about, and their significant roles in the community's high rates of hypertension and stroke have been highlighted. The findings point to the need for interventions that take cultural beliefs into account and address healthcare disparities. African Americans may benefit greatly from these interventions in the fight against hypertension and stroke. In general, the information in this primer has shed light on the field of study and the potential repercussions it may have for the overall research agenda. My comprehension of academic writing and research practices has significantly improved throughout this unit. I now know how to write an efficient research area primer, organize my notes, and effectively summarize and synthesize sources. I've also learned the value of using visual aids to convey information clearly, critically analyzing sources, and identifying major themes. As I continue with my academic writing and research, these skills will be useful. References Artiga, S., & Hinton, E. (2018). Beyond Health Care: The Role of Social Determinants in Promoting Health and Health Equity. Kaiser Family Foundation. Artinian, N. T., Flack, J. M., Nordstrom, C. K., Hockman, E. M., Washington, O. G., & Jen, K. L. (2006). Effects of nurse-managed telemonitoring on blood pressure at 12-month follow-up among African American seniors. Nursing Research, 55(3), 189-197. Boden-Albala, B., & Quarles, L. W. (2013). Education strategies for stroke prevention. Stroke, 44(6_suppl_1), S48-S51. Caplan, L. R. (1991). Strokes in African-Americans. Circulation, 83(4), 1469-1471. Connell, P., Wolfe, C., & McKevitt, C. (2008). Preventing stroke: a narrative review of community interventions for improving hypertension control in black adults. Health & social care in the community, 16(2), 165-187. Cooper, E. S. (1993). Cardiovascular diseases and stroke in African Americans: a call for action. Journal of the National Medical Association, 85(2), 97. Ferdinand, K. C., Patterson, K. P., Taylor, C., Fergus, I. V., Nasser, S. A., & Ferdinand, D. P. (2012). Community‐based approaches to prevention and management of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 14(5), 336-343. Gillum, R. F. 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