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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Pros and Cons of Obama Care (Essay Sample)


This paper seeks to establish the pros and cons of obamacare plan in the UNITED STATES OF America


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Obama care Pros and Cons
There are various ways to call it. PPACA, ACA, or just Obama care all stand for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act adopted by the U.S. Congress in March, 2010. This Act constitutes a nearly revolutionary change in the healthcare system which has both millions of supporters and millions of opponents with their interests clashing at this highly controversial issue. This situation can even be compared with a level of public debate that concerned the Vietnam War several decades ago. As the polls in 2010 have shown the overall approval of the reform was 35% while the degree of overall disapproval has reached 45% (Richardson and Konisky 8). The reform has also gone through several judicial proceedings that examined its constitutionality, as, for instance, in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius case (Peabody and Woolley 1).
Initially, the opponents of the reform did not possess sufficient power in Congress to fully block new legislation, and their decision was to attach a number of amendments that would postpone the fulfillment of Obamacare. Most provisions of the Act were expected to enter into force starting from January 2014 , however, the recent debate in the Congress has become much more complex due to the Republican majority. The proponents of the reform have refused to abandon their plan, and the disagreement concerning federal expenses within the framework of PPACA has led to a severe political crisis and government’s shutdown.

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