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Psychological Complications Resulting from Illnesses and Injuries (Essay Sample)

Discussion 3 Psychological Complications Resulting From Illnesses and Injuries The nurse’s role goes far beyond that which is expected. Nurses are the main communicators between patients, doctors, and family, and they care for more than just physical ailments. Often, nurses are presented with difficult situations where being an advocate becomes paramount to the healing of the patient. One of the issues that patients with acute and chronic illnesses or extended hospitalization face is a tendency to become depressed. The nurse’s role in this situation requires more than just attention to the physical problem. Another situation where a nurse may need to shift his or her care is when a patient presents with a suspicious injury or illness. In addition to considering the legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse, he or she must consider the psychological undertones that may be present. For this Discussion, you will consider delicate situations that nurses often face and analyze the implications of these situations. Reflect on a patient care situation in which you have encountered one of the following: A suspicious illness or injury Depression resulting from illness or injury Then, locate at least one scholarly journal article related to your patient care situation that offers strategies for managing the circumstances. Resources Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. WEEKLY RESOURCES By Day 3 Respond to the following: Explain your patient encounter, highlighting the challenges the situation presented, and briefly summarize the contents of your journal article. What strategies did you employ to help handle the situation? What other strategies could you have used? How did you advocate for the patient in the situation? What are some of the legal and ethical implications that need to be considered when providing care for patients with depression resulting from illnesses or injuries or suspicious illnesses or injuries? Note: Avoid using personal information (e.g., names, facility name, etc.) in your post. Note: Post a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence Links to an external site., in-text citations Links to an external site., and essay-level Links to an external site. writing skills, including the use of transitional material Links to an external site. and organizational frames source..
Psychological Complications Resulting from Illnesses and Injuries Student’s Name Course Professor Date Psychological Complications Resulting from Illnesses and Injuries I encountered a 55-year-old diabetic woman in my patient encounter who was experiencing emotional distress as a result of the difficulties she was having controlling her chronic disease. She struggled to follow her treatment plan and effectively manage her illness because she had depression symptoms like anger and feelings of hopelessness. The circumstance highlighted the necessity for a comprehensive approach to treatment by presenting the issue of managing not only her physical health but also her psychological well-being. The journal paper titled "Relationship between chronic diseases and depression: the mediating effect of pain" complements this discussion by examining the connection between chronic diseases, pain, and depression (Ma et al., 2021). According to the study, people with chronic conditions, like the guy I saw, had a higher chance of developing depression, and this association is partly mediated by the degree of pain (Ma et al., 2021). The study features the requirement for far-reaching therapy for individuals with persistent sicknesses and depression, underscoring the need to perceive and treat the mental aspects of constant ailments. Psychological support and pain management should be part of this care. I used several methods to help the patient deal with this. To give her a secure setting where she could disclose her thoughts and worries, I initially participated in therapeutic conversation and active listening. I perceived her emotional issues and gave her experiences some confidence. Second, I worked with the medical staff to make sure that her pain and suffering were properly treated. This included optimizing her diabetes treatment plan, providing pain relief measures, and involving a mental health specialist for counseling and support. I also informed her of the significant link between chronic disease, pain, and depression and emphasized the need to address her emotional health to improve her general health. As the patient's advocate, I communicated with the medical staff about her requirements and preferences to make sure that the treatment strategy took into account her psychological health. I also assisted her in accessing mental health resources and support groups that could provide additional assistance beyond the hospital setting. To ensure that her depression was not disregarded or written off as just a side effect of her ongoing sickness, I needed to act as an advocate. There are several moral and legal ramifications in this scenario to take into account. First an...
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