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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Public Health Deconstructed: Review of the Public Aspect in Public Health (Essay Sample)


A formative assessment opportunity will be provided for students of the module. Students will be asked to write a 6-700-word essay that will be used to assess the key skills associated with mastery.
The essay should discuss the following:
‘What Makes Health Public? - what do we mean by the term Public Health; what does this cover in the human world, AND what does it seek to address and what is its main source of determinacy?’
The essay will be submitted directly to the Module Leader in class or via email. (week 7)
Formative Assessment
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
Demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of the debate around individual versus collective responsibility for health.


Public Health Deconstructed: Review of the Public Aspect in Public Health
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Public Health Deconstructed: Review of the Public aspect in Public Health
The World Health Organization adopts Acheson’s definition of public health as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society” (Rechel and McKee, 2014). Understanding this definition better or adding more insights into it would involve answering the question of what makes health public in the first place. Whereas there is no clear-cut answer to this question a good place to start is probing the role of its key stakeholder, and its source of determinacy as well as viewing it from the lens of arguably the biggest health care challenge of recent time the AIDS epidemic.
Answering the question of what makes health public would involve acknowledging the role of key stakeholders. The state is a key stakeholder with an interest in protecting its citizens from primary

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