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Epidemiology: A Quality Assessment Tool For Quantitative Researches (Essay Sample)


This essay is based on the following article
Neumark-Sztainer, D. R., Friend, S. E., Flattum, C. F., Hannan, P. J., Story, M. T., Bauer, K. W., ... & Petrich, C. A. (2010). New moves—preventing weight-related problems in adolescent girls: a group-randomized study. American journal of preventive medicine, 39(5), 421-432.

OPTION 1: Individual submission (begin with this template and use it to submit your draft) Structured 3,500 word essay maximum excluding the words of these questions and your list of references. Expand the explanation boxes as required. This template contains approximately 1502 words. 352107554483000You must use this worksheet to complete the assessment and submit it through Turnitin. Pair number Name and student number Arpitaben Bholabhai Patel; 10326561 Second reviewer, name and student number Date draft submitted through TurnitIn. Word count (not including the words for the form and the references): Date of exchange individual work and discussion with partner Study assessed as described in: Neumark-Sztainer, D. R., Friend, S. E., Flattum, C. F., Hannan, P. J., Story, M. T., Bauer, K. W., ... & Petrich, C. A. (2010). New moves—preventing weight-related problems in adolescent girls: a group-randomized study. American journal of preventive medicine, 39(5), 421-432. Remember, you are assessing the study which is described, and not this single publication. You will need to check and identify if additional information about this study is available. If so then you can incorporate the information into the responses. Please be aware that sometimes the information may conflict. Place your answers inside the boxes. QUALITY ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR QUANTITATIVE STUDIES Please complete these the questions presented as structured paragraphs as you would in an essay.218313015240000 Clearly mark your selection or cross-out the choice not applicable. Do not use highlighting or colour change as this is not recognised in Turnitin. Demonstrate your knowledge of epidemiological principles within each section and support your statements. Part 1: (Initially undertaken on your own) Show the structured PICO question of the study P: Adolescent girls from intervention and control high schools I: New move curriculum in the physical education class, motivational teaching, and nutritional lunch bunches C: Orthodox physical education classes O: Decrease of sedentary activities, change in eating patterns and improvements in body image T: Nine months for making a comparison between control girls and intervention girls Henceforth, the PICO question of the study is: “In adolescent girls from intervention and control high schools, what is the effect of new move curriculum, motivational teaching and nutritional lunch bunches on decreasing sedentary activities, improving eating patterns and body image within a nine-month trial?” COMPONENT RATINGS A) SELECTION BIAS (Q1) Are the individuals selected to participate in the study likely to be representative of the target population? 1 1. Very likely ✔ 2 2. Somewhat likely 3 3.Not likely 4 4. Can’t tell 5 The selected participants can be considered as the representative of adolescent girls that generally suffer from obesity issue and other weight-related problems. Existing research shows that girls from different ethnic backgrounds and low Socio-Economic Status (SES) are vulnerable to weight-related problems. Besides this, a low level of obesity has been observed in the case of girls with high SES. Henceforth socioeconomic differences can be considered as a major parameter for identifying weight-related problems of adolescent girls (Neumark-Sztainer & Story, 2009). As this research was conducted on the students of suburban areas, henceforth it can be said that the diverse nature of students was important for the evaluation process. In that respect, it is important to say that the selected girls from those areas truly represented the appropriate population that suffers from the issue of weight. Nevertheless, the distinctive approach can also be taken by focusing on the types of girls selected for this study. It was observed that girls with high SES have not been selected on a massive scale for this research. Therefore, the possibilities of suffering from weight-related issues have not been interpreted yet. Standing on this viewpoint, it can be said that this research represents adolescent girls of suburban areas rather than girls of high SES background. Although a thorough study to change the sedentary habits has properly represented a niche population. 6 (Q2) What percentage of selected individuals agreed to participate? 1 1. 80 - 100% agreement 2 2. 60 – 79% agreement 3 3. less than 60% agreement 4 4. Not applicable 5 5. Can’t tell 6 Out of 433 consented individuals, 393 adolescent school girls have been agreed to participate in this study. Henceforth, a high rate of agreement (80%-100%) reflects on the high engagement of participants to identify the impact of new moves on the BMI rate and fat level of individuals. 7 RATE THIS SECTION STRONG MODERATE WEAK See dictionary 1 ✔ 2 3 8 This high engagement of individuals has played a critical role in drawing a conclusion of this research. Existing literature has identified that high engagement of participants plays a key role in identifying a common phenomenon of a specific topic (Palinkas et al. 2015). Considering this current research, it can be said that this active participation of such adolescent girls has helped the researcher to identify the accuracy rate of a new move in isolating the sedentary behaviour of adolescent girls. This is the major reason for identifying this segment as a strong factor to this research. 9 B) STUDY DESIGN Indicate the study design 1 1. Randomized controlled trial ✔ 2 2. Controlled clinical trial 3 3. Cohort analytic (two group pre + post) 4 4. Case-control 5 5. Cohort (one group pre + post (before and after)) 6 6. Interrupted time series 7 7.Other, please specify: 8 8. Can’t tell Was the study described as randomized? If NO, go to Component C. Yes If Yes, was the method of randomization described? (See dictionary) Yes If Yes, was the method appropriate? (See dictionary) Yes 10 In this research, the randomized controlled trial was applied by the researchers to segregate the adolescent girls in a group. Besides this, this methodology has helped to identify the proper way to conduct this research. It is found that six intervention and six control groups have been divided to maintain a better outcome of this result. In this context, it is important to state that the researchers have taken this methodology in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, this applied method was right and no possible backdrop of the application of the taken methodology has been identified in this research. It can be said that the randomization process plays an important role in isolating the possible bias from the study. Furthermore, it can be said that a randomized controlled trial (RCT) method are often used in order to contribute to the medical intervention process significantly. However, some issues related to RCT procedure have also been identified in the current literature. The complex nature of this procedure often leads to discontinuation of an ongoing process. On another hand, some school of scholars have also identified the positive perspective of this method in the domain of healthcare and nursing. Focusing on the current article, it can be said that the RCT process has played a critical role in maintaining an equilibrium between prognostic factors of this research. As a result, no such issue related to those prognostic factors (like bias in research, issues in the intervention) has been observed. Henceforth, proper segregation of groups has helped the researchers to distinguish the cares provided for the evaluation. RATE THIS SECTION STRONG MODERATE WEAK See dictionary 1 2 3 It is observed that girls of the intervention groups have received some different cares than the individuals that were listed on the control group. Justifying the appropriateness of this method, it can be said that this differences in care helped to notice different results that have been observed at the end of this study. Besides this, method of conducting the research by using the RCT framework has also been identified in this article. It is found that urban and first-ring suburban students have been selected for this research. After that, the evaluation assessment has done by considering three major points such as baseline, post class and follow up. In this regard, it can be said that the method of application was right in this context. C) CONFOUNDERS (Q1) Were there important differences between groups prior to the intervention? 1 1.Yes ✔ 2 2. No 3 3. Can’t tell The following are examples of confounders: 1 1. Race ✔ 2 2. Sex 3 3. Marital status/family 4 4. Age 5 5. SES (income or class) 6 6. Education 7 7. Health status 8 8. Pre-intervention score on outcome measure 9 Focusing on this study, a significant influence of high-level cofounders have been identified. It is found that those specific schools have been selected in this study because of a diverse number of students. Henceforth, it can be said that race has played a significant role in this study. According to Nadal et al. (2014), previous research on the ethnicity and race of the people has poised a detrimental effect on the impact on the lives of individuals. In that respect, it was important for the researchers to project the perception of individuals of different backgrounds. Racism has been identified as a major agenda that has played a key role in occurring major problems related to the psychological enrichment and improvement of self-concept of people significantly. Further, it is observed that racism during any research might document the harmful effects on the participants. In order to elaborate, it can be said that the physical and psychological well-being of participants might be reduced in case of any issue, r...
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