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Reflective Journal on Transcultural Nursing Growth (Essay Sample)

transcultural nursing. the journey through different cultural experiences and how different cultures have shaped up nursing and healthcare in different regions all around the world. the sample portrays the evolution of transcultural nursing and points out how indispensable it is to respect culture with empathy and advocacy in healthcare service delivery. source..
Reflective Journal on Transcultural Nursing Growth Student’s Name University Course Professor Date Reflective Journal on Transcultural Nursing Growth Introduction: Along my journey, I have learnt a lot as I pursued a career in transcultural nursing, which is filled with personal growth and professional development. While I do not have to deal with adapting to the culture and defining my cultural identity as a first-generation immigrant from Mexico, this course has given me an immense wealth of knowledge that connects culture to the methods of healthcare that are practised. This reflective writing looks into the change of my views and way of engaging transcultural nursing that focuses on specific insights and on which points need to be paid close attention in future. Reflection Component: * Evolution of View on Transcultural Nursing: My initial understanding of transcultural nursing was similar to that of other people, even though I was aware of the importance of a culturally sensitive approach in the provision of healthcare services. Despite the fact I started the course confidently, I now understand that cultural competence in nursing is not just about respecting diversity. It consists of being a part of different communities and listening to people whom they don't know, understanding their own needs, advocating for their needs and respecting their cultures every time. Culturally competent nursing care consists of caring for individualized, family, community, and global societal values and beliefs integrated (Alexander et al., 2020). The fact is that, unfortunately, I have come to appreciate being a transcultural nurse as a never-ending process of learning and adaptation, which is nothing but crucial from the point of view of delivering care in a diverse world. * Approaches Towards Patients: The training in this class has shaped my view of the patient by teaching me to be sensitive to the cultures of the one they work with, which is fundamental knowledge. I no longer handle care in the same manner. I now disport myself more caring. Plus, I am able to absorb the cultural differences of my patients and, hence, their preferences. The patients have better chances of spotting the development of their condition and reporting and communicating any problems of this kind. They thus contribute to better care management that reduces the risks and enhances the quality and safety of the care provided to them. his involves enhancing open communication but also listening carefully to those patients' cultural histories and incorporating culturally competent care options into treatment plans. Through the practice of cultural diversity, I hope to build trustful relationships with patients and, mainly, achieve such desired health outcomes. Critical Needs Areas * Satisfactory/Proficient: It is exciting to acknowledge the positive changes brought in fields like culture, awareness, sensitivity, and discrimination. Joining cultural dialogue groups, mentoring schemes, and volunteering endeavours not only broadened my knowledge of different cultural dimensions but also the things that motivate me to work for social justice. * Needs Improvement: Despite making strides in various domains, I acknowledge the need for further enhancement in acculturation and cultural competence. Programs like interviewing family members, cooperating in scenarios role play, and taking online courses will surely succeed in the process of filling the created gaps. * Continued Focus: Therefore, along with extensive monitoring, prompt action on stereotyping must be included. Scheduling the ubiquitous stereotypes needs an active approach, including social media campaigns and s...
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