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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Sense of Self Journal (Essay Sample)


The task was to write a journal of how students connect their sense of self to the delivery of care as practitioners when dealing with patients.


Sense of Self Journal
Sense of Self Journal
Identity development, usually considered the growth of a strong sense of self across various aspects of identity, is vital to the development of any human being. There are many types of identities including race, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender which influence how a person conceives the self and how others create perceptions. These identities are not only adopted by the minority as every person has a way they identify themselves in relation to others.
Race is considered a social construction that encompasses unique characteristics that people or groups possess. Racial development is a developmental process that occurs gradually and is usually influenced by an individual's environment (Rogers et al., 2020). Growing up as an African American, my identity did not either hurt or help me. However, the media, literature, and personal experiences have made me develop a different perspective. The systemic racism has hurt the potential of so many African Americans in the country. Concerning religion, I feel that if a person has no clue of who they are, then they are set up for manipulation and abuse. This is especially since if one loses their identity, then they might become victims of impostors who want to impose certain beliefs. As a Christian, I believe that we exist in reality and I recognize that sin is failing to do what the scripture directs. I appreciate the fact that my actions affect the world and it is for this reason that I tend to be philanthropic and advocate for the vulnerable in society.

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