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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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State Oversight Case Study (Essay Sample)

In the state of North Carolina, the NCDHHS is a governing body with legal authority over healthcare institutions. If an incident or situation occurs at a healthcare institution, a consumer has the right to file a complaint to the state in regard to the facilities' lack of compliance. So, what are events or actions which could be considered a deficiency and what is the consequence of non-compliance? Prompt questions: -What is the name and location (county) of the institution under review? -What was the complaint? -What deficiencies were cited? -Were the deficiencies corrected? (what was the -timeframe of completion?) -What is the consequence of not correcting a cited deficiency? In a 1-2 page essay, answering all questions in the above prompt. Your essay should be formatted using APA format (7th ed). No less than 2 scholarly sources for support, outside articles or websites, should be cited correctly as per APA format criterion. source..
State Oversight Case Study Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor’s Name Course Date State Oversight Case Study The institution under review for this case study is Valley Nursing Center. It is also a rehabilitation center. Located in Taylorsville, Alexander County, in North Carolina, the 183-bed skilled nursing institution provides a wide range of quality services and care CITATION Valnd \l 1033 (Valley Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, n.d.). Furthermore, the healthcare institution has been certified for Medicare and Medicaid programs. The complaint filed was associated with the institution's lack of emergency preparedness. The CFR 483.73 on emergency preparedness stipulates that a facility should comply with all applicable Federal and State or local emergency preparedness requirements that have been put in place by the relevant agencies or authorities CITATION Cornd2 \l 1033 (Cornell Law School, n.d.). As a result, all nursing or medical facilities must have an emergency preparedness program or plan to ensure the facility is sufficiently prepared for any emergency. In the case of Valley Nursing Center, the complaint investigation survey that looked into the allegation did not find or cite any deficiency. The facility complied with the emergency preparedness (CFR 483.73) requirements. Given that the statement of deficiencies and plan of correction for Valley Nursing Center did not cite any deficiency, there was no need for a plan of correction. The plan could have included an appropriate completion timeframe if a deficiency or several deficiencies were found. Despite not citing a deficiency in this particular case, nursing or healthcare facilities must address any cited deficiency. There are serious consequences if a facility fails to address the cited deficiency. For instance, any facility that provides Medicare and Medicaid services across the United States must strictly adhere to strict regulations. If th...
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