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Tasks to children Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


Should children be given Householduseold tasks


Should Children do Household task?

Should Children do Householduseold taks tasks?
Household chores are the tasks that are being done regularly like; ironing, washing or even cleaning.Such tasks may be done by the family members or by the outsiders hired to do those tasks.These chores sometimes they may be difficult to children but also they are beneficial to them .For example they will gain important life skills like; Self-Esteem,Participation cipation in family or even assigning chores.
Firstly when Children are able to divide chores among them at home they develop Self-Esteem.Even though not all children are cable of performing well either in academics or in sports but if they suit well in doing chores to their family, they always feel good about themselves and they will also be able to take care of themselves even when the parents are not around.They always know that by taking responsibilities at home they will always feel good when they compete tasks and by meeting their obligation and people who are around them they will always be proud of them.

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