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The Focus Point of Medicare for All is Recreating a New (Essay Sample)


An argumentatıve essay task about medıcare for all actıon. It was one of the essays I had to write based on a given topic, ıt had a word count lımıt 600, THAT NEEDED TO BE WRITTEN IN APA FORMAT. tHE SAMPLE IS ABOUT DISCUSSING MEDICARE FOR ALL, THE BENEFITS AND THE DISADVANTAGES IT MAY BRING TO THE SOCIETY, AND taking a stance on the issue.


The Focus Point of Medicare for All is Recreating a New
Medicare for All is a healthcare insurance program that is being discussed heavily nowadays. The focus point of Medicare for All is recreating a new, single-payer insurance program that the government will run to cover all Americans. However, there are two sides to the debate on Medicare for All. Being an insurance program that can drastically change many aspects of the health care system, Medicare for All must be considered thoroughly from both the supporters’ and the critics' sides.
Due to the US health care system being costly and fragmented, the need for universal health insurance is growing each day. Americans, in a great majority, are already aware that the current health care system does not manage to provide the best quality of care or even equal access. For many, Medicare for All looks like a solid solution that can guarantee access and proper care for all Americans. For instance, Berwick, a direct witness to the health care system as a pediatrician, argues in his article, "Medicare for All offers Americans, at last, a simple way to assure that they have the coverage they need to see the doctors they want and use the hospitals they choose" (Berwick, 2019). Stating that Medicare for All can be the best working solution to improve the health system, Berwick's points underline the deficiencies of the current health system, like how the health care costs are bankrupting middle to low-class families and workers. Supporters of Medicare for All, like Berwick, believe that the new system can save trillions and drastically improve all Americans' health care if designed right.

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