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The Negative Effects of Dieting Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)




The Negative Effects of Dieting
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The Negative Effects of Dieting
Dieting is a practice of consuming food in a controlled way to cut down, maintain, or upsurge one’s body weight. Moreover, this practice is a conscious rheostat of the diet. A controlled diet is regularly used by people who are obese. Individuals suffering from obesity have surplus weights which do not correspond to their age, gender, and sometimes hereditary factors. Therefore, when obese individuals discover that they are adding weight uncontrollably, they may opt to undergo dieting. Indisputably, even non-obese people choose to subject their bodies to starving to maintain body weight. As much as dieting applies to some individuals, others exhibit side effects, such as slow metabolism, malnutrition, gallstones, brain dysfunction, and altered moods.
Notably, dieting is a sure way of making one suffer from slowed body metabolism. Precisely, drastic reduction of calorie intake culminates in slowing body metabolism (Mishra, 2017). Vitally, when the body detects calorie deficiency in its systems, it switches into a starvation mode. This condition slows metabolic activities in an attempt to conserve energy. Additionally, due to the lack of energy substrates, respiring cells degenerate muscles as an alternative way of producing energy. For these reasons, the body becomes weak and unable to carry out daily physical activities. Therefore, extreme starvation, as experienced during dieting, slows down metabolic processes, thus rendering the body impotent.

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