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Conflict Management (Essay Sample)

the task was about resolving a conflict between two senior employees in a company. The two managers were working well at first and only to start competing for clients . This created a conflict where the conflict later on brought a huge impact to the company. In this tasked I was asked to offer various theories learned and best approaches to resolve the conflict. source..
Conflict Management Approach Students name Institution Course Tutor Date Conflict Management Approach A set of techniques and procedures used for managing conflicts within an organization is referred to as the conflict management approach (Wang et al., 2020). The conceptual framework of conflict resolution serves as the foundation for conflict management techniques, which include conflict identification, understanding, and resolution. The win-win strategy is one of the conflict resolution methods covered in this course. The win-win strategy strongly emphasizes cooperation and compromise while looking for solutions that will benefit both sides equally. Finding a solution that satisfies everyone's demands can be accomplished by using this strategy to determine the needs and interests of each side. The win-win strategy also emphasizes fostering an atmosphere conducive to conflict resolution. Nonetheless, talking through the problems of both sides and refocusing each person's objectives will help them come up with new ideas or plans (Böhm, Rusch & Baron, 2020). This is how the Collaborating Style conflict management strategy resolves interpersonal conflicts. "Third-party mediation" is a conflict management technique that involves having a conversation with a third party who helps two parties sort out a disagreement or issue between two colleagues. This strategy, predicated on giving and taking, aims to foster a respectful and cooperative environment. A disagreement arises when two people differ and feel that each is hindering them from reaching their goal. This reduces productivity since both parties feel they are losing control due to the other's behavior, which generally impacts their teams' performance. Interpersonal conflict refers to disputes that arise between two or more people (Rahim, 2023). They each think they have the only "right" to get the client and earn a fat commission. To resolve this interpersonal conflict, Jim and Danielle will carefully listen to each other's desires and emotions. They will also collaborate to find the best way to resolve the issue. The above approach best suits the circumstance since it promotes collaboration and compromise while seeking a solution that benefits all parties. The interest-based approach likewise aims to discover both parties' needs and interests and then develop a solution to suit those needs. The approach is centered on the cooperation principle and seeks to foster a culture of respect and teamwork. Using this technique, the CEO can ensure that all sides' demands and interests are considered and that an agreement that benefits both parties is reached. Finding the underlying problems driving the dispute and the objectives shared by both sides is crucial to diagnosing the conflict in this scenario. This situation's primary issue stems from Jim and Danielle's belief that they have the "right" to acquire the client and earn a substantial fee. Jim and Danielle's teams no longer collaborate well and are vying for the same client. This is leading to a decline in output and a generally unhealthy workplace. The CEO should foster a respectful and cooperative environment to resolve the dispute. Jim and Danielle should discuss their interests and needs and reach a win-win solution, which the CEO should facilitate. Additionally, the CEO needs to ensure everyone knows that a win-win scenario is achievable and that they should cooperate to make it happen. Along with pointing out areas of mutual respect and disagreement, the CEO should motivate the parties to cooperate to close the gap. The CEO should also ensure everyone is informed of the repercussions of abandoning the mutually agreed-upon course of action. The CEO should also monitor the issue to ensure the contractual obligation is fulfilled and the disagreement does not reappear. As a mediator, I will discuss how their disagreement impacts their teams, professional objectives, and both. The CEO has seen both teams' productivity decline, and their clients may suffer. Some workers may have expressed worries about the current situation and how toxic their workplace is. If both sides were aware of the effects of their disagreements, they would see the need for a resolution and be more motivated to work together to find the most advantageous one (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020). Allowing Jim and Danielle to submit a single proposal for a solution that benefits them both might be feasible. Jim will avoid clients currently comprising Danielle's potential customers, for example, and Danielle reciprocates with Jim's clientele. Their professional goals of growing their clients and providing top-notch services should remain at the forefront of the resolution. Both of them should agree upon a solution (Schneider, 2022). To keep track of their development, I would follow up to assess their productivity and performance independently and as a team. It would also be feasible to obtain feedback from other employees and see how they manage the company's clientele. I may assess the effectiveness of my conflict management technique once both sides have agreed; if not, we should attempt a different one. Conflicts at work affect safety, wellness, health, and stress levels. Employees' physical and emotional health may suffer from conflict, and stress levels may rise. Conflict in work environments is a major source of stress (Kumar et al., 2021). Whether or not they have a direct role in the interpersonal conflict, all employees of the company experience stress when it occurs. A person will often exhibit troublesome behaviors and thoughts when there is conflict in the job. Sometimes, it begins with two people, like in the case of Jim and Danielle, but if the issue is not resolved early on, it will grow more intense and affect the entire workforce. Employees who handle problems in their workplace may experience stress at work. They will have unfavorable bodily and psychological reactions. High-stress levels negatively impact employees' professional and personal safeguarding, wellness, and health. In addition, conflict has been linked to higher absenteeism, worse job satisfaction, and lower productivity. In addition, conflict can result in a decline in trust and morale, a rise in hatred and violence, and a reduction in communication (Xiao, Cao & Jolfaei, 2020). Conflict can also raise the risk of injuries at work and safety problems.  Any organization that wants to prevent and handle conflicts efficiently and effectively needs conflict management. Organizations may make sure that disagreements are resolved amicably and constructively using efficient ...
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