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Holistic Promotion Of Healthcare: Eliminating Ebola From West Africa (Essay Sample)
Topic: Eliminating Ebola in West Africa
Institutional Affiliation
Background Information
Policy Brief “Eliminating Ebola in West Africa”. The project is crucial for the holistic promotion of healthcare in Western Africa as we are moving towards a communicable disease free world. It is also crucial for the enjoyment of and safeguarding of human life, the achievement of human progress, and the protection of human dignity as well as advancement of human security (UN, Vienna 1992).
It will entail training on the adverse effects of Ebola in the West Africa and how it can be cured and preventing further spread. Further, it will also conduct civic education on how to support community health workers on identification of signs, Advocacy on quarantine of affected persons, proper treatment, Policy change supported decision making and production of IEC materials on healthcare. The project will also adopt a community-based approach in sensitizing the communities on the effects of Ebola. Engage with state players, Ministry of Health and other relevant Stakeholders.
Statement Problem
In the past, people have succumbed to strange health complications that were not easy to medically carry out a diagnosis. Clouded in myths, superstition and ignorance over 1500 people lost lives while a big population were infected with the virus. Remote communities in Africa believed it was a result of witchcraft, or some form of curse. Ebola is a severe disease that affects primates and human beings (Alister, 2001). Ebola is passed from an infected person or an animal either through the saliva, body fluid, sweat, piercing objects such as needles that have a fluid from the affected person.
In this respect, this policy is anchored on the principle of zero tolerance to Ebola. It also place emphasis on capacity building for institutions involved in making healthcare accessible to all such as the hospitals, particularly for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups including children, women and people with disabilities.
A large population of people have been marginalized on account of their condition. Many factors contribute to the unfortunate plight in West Africa and they include: lack of proper medical facilities, inadequate medical staff, socio-cultural and economic prejudices and lack of awareness on communicable disease.
Hitherto, there is a wide range of conventions, policy statements and legislations specifying commitments to eliminating Ebola at national and local level. Of notice is that they immeasurably vary in coverage of populations with some restricted to adults while others to children.
In recognition of these factors, this policy will make substantial efforts to give West Africa's' health issues a visible and national character both in cure and prevention through training at particular levels. The proposed policy will seek to raise awareness, enhance the participation of Community Health workers and push for increased involvement in healthcare.
Increase participation of Community Health Workers in Healthcare issues.
Enhanced opportunities for Community Health Workers.
Forming partnerships and alliances as advocates and awareness of the importance of preventing and curing Ebola.
Strengthening of Organizational capacity both at local and national level.
Conduct a research on Ebola virus.
Create local laboratory vaccines that will be used to prevent the virus
To achieve the above solutions, more so, the policy will engage the best possible local experts available to assist in the implementation process. It will strengthen dialogue, information exchange and cooperation among all stakeholders including governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations, academia and private sectors (Nicky, 2003). By so doing, it is expected that the Ebola virus and related issues would be accorded high priority on the agenda of ensuring its integration in the national planning and development strategy formulation processes in the country.
The policy will make use of the capacity built and institutional arrangements already been set up even if, capacity building activities will still form part of the project and will be provided through training workshops, research activities and information exchange between the national and relevant regional and international i...
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