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Fiedler’s Contingency Theory (Essay Sample)


Contingency theories involve the belief that leadership style must be appropriate for the particular situation. By their nature, contingency theories are if-then theories. The course examines four theories: Fiedler’s contingency theory, path–goal theory, normative decision theory, and situational leadership theory. Students will be evaluated based on the definitions of each, as well as demonstration of understanding of the concepts as discussed in the class, and in the textbook. Using appropriate terminology and frameworks is strongly recommended. The assignment should not be less than 2 FULL pages and not exceed 3 pages. Please use 12 pt. fonts of Times New Roman and 1.0 line spacing.


Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
Fiedler's Contingency Model of Leadership analyzes a leader's success within a corporate framework. Professor Fred Fiedler created a hypothesis based on his research on the personalities and traits of leaders (Heller, 2019). Fiedler's Contingency Model of Leadership indicates that a manager's success depends on the circumstances (Heller, 2019). According to the framework, there is no single optimum way to lead. This theory assumes that an individual's personal history shapes their leadership style, making it impossible to alter. On that note, a company should adopt a leadership style that is more appropriate for the context when a new circumstance presents itself (Heller, 2019). According to Fiedler's Contingency Model, no one leadership style is better than another. Leadership success comes down to how well the leader's characteristics mesh with the context in which a leader operates.
The leadership theory by Fiedler focuses on two aspects: the leadership approach and the context in which it is applied. The Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC) Scale created by Fiedler can assess managing style from the perspective of this theory (Heller, 2019). Using the LPC scale, leaders can better understand their leadership style. Based on a scale of 1-8, a leader is allowed to express the individual opinion about an employee or coworker with whom they have had the worst experience in the workplace (Heller, 2019). When a leader has a leadership style score of 64 or above, it shows that they value building relationships with others. These bosses enjoy their interpersonal interactions and evaluate their least favorite employees more favorably (Heller, 2019). A focus on completing tasks characterized the leadership styles of those who scored 57 or below.
Path–goal Theory
According to the Path-goal model, a leader's conduct and style should match the needs of their team and the workplace to meet a shared goal. Leaders pick specific actions that align with their workers' demands and the environment in which they operate to help them work together to meet their daily goals (Olowoselu et al., 2019). Notably, the leader's role is to aid followers in accomplishing objectives and offer guidance and support. This support guarantees that the employee’s objectives are congruent with the company's goals.
Again, the path-goal theory states that managers should strive to develop their leadership skills by taking on specific positions and responsibilities. In addition, the theory has instructions for the leaders to compensate for their subordinates' skill shortcomings (Olowoselu et al., 2019). Employees' contentment, motivation, and productivity levels are linked to an organization's leadership style. This theory is also referred to as “expectancy theory” since a leader’s beliefs can influence their behavior toward the desired result. According to Olowoselu et al. (2019), “the path-goal hypothesis indicates that a leader's strengths outweigh their subordinates' weaknesses.” Influential leaders provide their staff with a clear path to success by eliminating hazards and roadblocks. The notion outlines how leaders can motivate and assist their followers in achieving set objectives.
Normative Decision Theory
Victor Vroom created the normative decision model with the help of Arthur Jago and Philip Yetton to aid leaders in exploring the scope to which they should incorporate team members in decision-making. The model was developed in order to assist leaders in determining the extent to which they should include their subordinates in the decision-making process. The method guides managers through a set of questions focusing on important decision-making considerations (Harrison & Ross, 2017). Subsequently, the response by a leader provides an evaluation of the leader based on evaluation criteria. An ideal choice of action by the leader is a central characteristic of normative decision theory. Actors in normative theories are presumed to be wholly logical and self-interested.
A normative model serves as a benchmark for employee comparison, thus motivating improvement. Philosophical and psychological arguments support these claims that employees should be given the benefit of the doubt. On that note, Harrison and Ross (2017) indicate that the normative model requires a leader to observe and understand employees’ points of view instead of making assumptions. The leader should allow employees to meet the company’s goal in the manner they understand best. Remarkably, the normative model is applicable when assessing workers or engaging them in a discussion (Harrison & Ross, 2017). For instance, it can be used to determine the outcome of an employee appraisal. Hence, this model can help a company to develop a culture that meets employees’ needs.
Situational Leadership Theory
Situational leadership theory posits that no single optimum leadership pattern exists. Here, strategy and leadership depend on the current work. The theory affirms that adaptability is among the most crucial qualities of a strong leader. This theory maintains that the most influential leaders are those who absorb cues from various aspects of their work. They must understand the group's ongoing work and composition (Henkel & Bourdeau, 2018). In leadership, the situational approach recognizes various ways to deal with an issue. This kind of leadership emphasizes the need to strike an adequate balance between two essential components, namely, the leadership style of the leader and the maturity or preparation levels of the followers. Leaders must analyze a scenario and the behavioral patterns of subordinates to decide what strategy would be most successful at any particular time (Henkel & Bourdeau, 2018). As a result, the situational leadership

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