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Reflective Analysis: Module #5 (Essay Sample)

Instructions Describe the variables of content and context in the leadership situation. What additional variables are involved in cross-cultural leadership? What are the major elements of a “global mindset?” Reflective Analysis: The purpose of these analyses is to provide you with the opportunity to critically examine your experience and connect it to the course's learning objectives. The analysis will include four levels that will encourage critical thinking and guide the processing of your experience. 1) Objective: This part of your analysis will include descriptions of your concrete experience. Be sure to include your identified learning objectives; 2) Reflective: This part of your analysis will focus on how you felt or interpreted your experience. Please provide a context for these feelings by offering examples from your experience; 3) Interpretive: This part of your analysis will focus on what you learned from your experience; and 4) Decisional: This part of your analysis will explore how you will incorporate your new knowledge into your current state of mind. Be sure to cite the textbook and other sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question. Your assignment is expected to be 1750-2,000 words (5-6 pages, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing) and should include an annotated bibliography. The essay should be well written and organized, in the proper format (APA), source..
Reflective Analysis: Module 5 Student Name Institutional Affiliations Date Cross Cultural Leadership and Global Mindset In my cross-cultural leadership class I have learnt that cross-cultural leadership is the ability of a leader to motivate and influence people of different cultural affiliations towards achieving a certain valued outcome. Cross cultural leadership demands commitment and resilience in understanding, working as well as coordinating individuals from diverse backgrounds. It calls for embracing cultural diversity in the workplace. Cross cultural leadership teaches me that as a cross-cultural leader, I must carry a global mindset which means that I must strive to possess qualities, communication skills as well as actionable knowledge which empowers others from diverse cultural backgrounds. There are different aspects of cross-cultural leadership but I will concentrate and reflect on four areas which relate to the experiences I gained and which also taught me how to communicate as an effective global leader. The four features are objective, reflective, interpretive and decisional aspects. 1 Objective Analysis Cross cultural leadership has been a very helpful class for me. My learning objectives include functioning positively and effectively with people, whose cultural backgrounds are different, increase my cross cultural awareness, being able to adequately deduce every conditioned managerial cultural behavior and also I wanted to obtain the skills for establishing relationships with global counterparts. In class I have learned why cross cultural leadership and global mindset very important aspects which I must possess as a leader. Nguyen-Phuong-Mai (2019) assets that there are different traits of a cross-cultural leader which include general intelligence, interpersonal skills, commitment, courage, drive, language skills, and being able to accept different views apart from what I hold. With cross-cultural leadership traits I must be able to motivate as well as influence other people attitudes and behaviors in the global community. As a cross-cultural leader, I have to carry attributes through which I can influence individuals, groups and organizations from a diverse set of backgrounds. I have learned that the global mindset has the elements of social capital, psychological capital and intellectual capital Bhagat (2017). In my learning I have been able to lead discussion groups comprised of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Some are fluent English speakers and others have English as their second language. I have always had this understanding and thus my leadership has motivated culturally inclusive and diverse teams to come together for one common shared educational purpose. My experience also touches to an interview which I had with Mr. Bon White who is the president of a global brand in textile. The interview brought out two things out of the interviewee that a strong sense of leadership and cross cultural schema was very important in driving cross-cultural leadership. Mr. White champions’ diversity to a great extent and under his leadership, the brand has boosted integrated workplace where diversity is embraced. 2 Reflective Analysis Having had the understanding on cross-cultural leadership, I appreciate the class and I have settled for serenity. My joy is great because I am aware that many young people are still leaving their homes to go out and discover the world. The cross-cultural experiences which such people get from these trips are never pleasing since they lack proper grounding on how to thrive and become the best in any culture. Through my class I have obtained knowledge on how to avoid cognitive bias as well as blind spots in interacting with different cultures (Bhagat, 2017).. In leading groups in my class, I have learned that every culture is actually biased in one way and the only way to find out and avoid blind spots and cognitive biases is actually by living out the cross-cultural experience. The cross cultural experience has given me a new life perspective and it has helped me to better understand who I am. I have a feeling of satisfaction now that I have the global mindset where I can be able to combine accurate responses and speed and replicate these benefits in a diverse working environment. My intercultural experiences in interacting with various learners have of multicultural backgrounds, I feel satisfied because this has modeled me to become a true team player (Den Dekker, 2016). I have been able to enhance my listening skills, communication abilities knowing with the confidence that I am now a mile ahead of my peers who are seeking jobs in the corporate world because am aware that the corporate world is seeking for characters who are more adaptable. With my global mindset and experience in cross cultural leadership, I am better place. 3 Interpretive analysis In this class, I learned the need to have an organization that is able to support diverse and cross cultural behaviors. In order to be supportive on this area, it is imperative that the organizational culture must support organizational values, managerial practices and individual behaviors and attitudes. Having worked hard in the class teams, it was just crystal clear the behavior and attitudes were important for team’s success. My experience here with the different dimensions of cross cultural diversity was practical in the dimensions of ethnicity, age and sex. The only dimension that was quite a challenge was the differences in age since most of my team members were younger than I was (Barrett, 2017). This difference in age generated a gap which also meant differences in communication, behaviors and the habits of work performance. For Instance, I would make requests to my younger classmates to complete certain tasks prior to every meeting. Despite my efforts, my peers did not always do it due to my broad concepts and thus I was ineffective in what I wanted. In this, I then learnt to be specific and particulate in delegating as well as effective communication so as to have the best output. The ethnic backgrounds of our team were not an issue. I now believe that I am well equipped with the knowledge of other culture’s perceptions of the world. I appreciate the great working with my fellow learners since we had diverse ideas which could model outcomes that were satisfactory for the entire group. In tandem with this experience, I have learned that I could have a very happy stay and corporate interaction with people who are diverse in their cultural backgrounds and especially if I give others the first chance to speak and I listen to them. Experience teaches me that there is quite a lot to learn from other people, but this needs good listening skills. 4 Decisional Analysis As a professional, I am aware that am in a constant state of learning. Cross cultural leadership and having a global mindset is such an important learning that I can never wish to...
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