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Resilience in the Workplace (Essay Sample)

LITERATURE REVIEW: FINAL SUBMISSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this Literature Review is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing which conforms to current APA format. Competency in current APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the graduate faculty and the administration. A literature review does not attempt to answer a research question, it simply compares the research findings, trends, and debates regarding a fairly narrow topic. You will explore the similarities and differences in the research findings regarding your topic. You will write a Literature Review of 1800-2100 words (excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages) on the same topic you researched for the Literature Review: Annotated Bibliography and Outline assignment. The paper must be written in strict conformance to current APA standards, and must utilize at least 10 scholarly sources. INSTRUCTIONS  The paper is to be your original work and written solely for this course. Although past papers can be minimally referenced, papers previously submitted or work from previously submitted assignments cannot be used to fulfill this assignment. (This excludes the Annotated Bibliography/Outline assignment submitted for this course in this term.)  The paper must use current APA format. Include a title page, an abstract, and a list of references. You can find formatting information on the Literature Review: Final Submission Assignment page under Literature Review: Final Submission Resource. Also see the Writing Styles Guides link in your course.  It must be submitted as a Word document (.doc). o The finished paper must be uploaded, as an attachment, by the published deadline.  Do not use bullets or listing anywhere in the paper.  Any charts, graphs, pictures, etc., must be put in an appendix and do not count toward the minimum word count.  No more than 1 block quote is to be used (of up to 50 words).  References must be as follows: o A minimum of 10 different scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles that have been published within the last five years must be used.  Use a variety of different journals. Do not use more than 2 articles from the same journal.  Textbooks, books, dissertations, web blogs, abstracts, and other ancillary materials do not count as required references.  Cannot use articles that are a part of the course readings. o All references must be cited somewhat equally in the narrative with no references over- or under-represented.  Quotations must not be more than 15% of the paper – paraphrase and properly cite all material.  Reference Section o Start on a new page. o Double-space throughout references. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. source..
Resilience in the Workplace Student Name Liberty University BMAL 501: Strategic Leadership and Management Professor’s Name August 18, 2023 Abstract Resilience is an employee’s ability to cope with unfavorable and less ideal organizational situations. Even though such conditions may result in staff turnover, workers with high-end coping skills can withstand difficulties in such cases, thus assuring organizations of their continued operations. The literature review focuses on uncovering the concept of resilience in the workplace. A total of 10 articles and a course book have been utilized in the analysis. The findings of the literature review have established that resilience promotes employee retention. Further, individual and organizational factors can enhance or compromise staff resilience. Thus, the review suggests the need for managers to invest in staff training and cultivate a culture of employee development in this regard. Resilience in the Workplace The concept of resilience, which is multidimensional and essential in today's workplace, plays a crucial role in promoting employee retention and facilitating personal growth during the time of difficulties and uncertainty. In the contemporary and ever-changing work environment characterized by many disruptions and stress-inducing factors, people who possess this ability are more adept at navigating challenges and maintaining their ability to contribute to their respective firms (Hartmann et al., 2020). Resilience is influenced by various factors, including human characteristics and environmental components. Those who possessing emotional intelligence, a growth attitude, and efficient coping methods are capable of managing setbacks and pressure adequately, as they demonstrate agility and composure when they face difficulties (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2021). The establishment of a work environment that promotes open communication, fosters positive connections, and encourages a healthy work-life balance is crucial in cultivating resilience. Enterprises increasingly acknowledge the imperative to provide their personnel with appropriate skills through comprehensive training initiatives (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2021). Not only does the development of resilience improve the ability of employees to remain with and succeed in the organization, but it also contributes to the general resilience and vitality of the business as a whole. Resilience fosters employee retention and productivity in adverse and unfavorable situations, hence the need for organizations to cultivate a culture of training their workforce on effective coping strategies. Literature Review Factors That Contribute to Resilience in the Workplace The capacity of individuals to manage challenges adeptly and maintain their overall welfare in the professional setting is contingent upon a multifaceted web of interrelated elements. A supportive and inclusive work environment is paramount, as it is fundamental for cultivating resilience (Hartmann et al., 2020). When employees encounter value, respect, and integration in a unified team, they are more likely to develop a feeling of belonging and a sense of purpose. The establishment of positive connections and maintenance of open lines of communication with colleagues and superiors can serve as a valuable support system amid challenging circumstances, which allows individuals to seek help and express their worries without apprehension of being criticized or evaluated negatively (Sotiriadis & Galanakis, 2022). Thus, a communal environment promotes the provision of emotional assistance, which plays a pivotal role in developing resilience. Personal circumstances also substantially influence resilience in the workplace. Resilient individuals can confront challenging scenarios with enhanced perceptiveness, which enables them to make well-informed and logical decisions even in stressful conditions (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2021). In addition, the cultivation of a growth mindset, which entails the conviction in one's ability to acquire knowledge and adjust accordingly, nurtures resilience. Employees with a growth mentality perceive setbacks as occasions for personal development and adversities as milestones on their path to success rather than obstacles that impede their progress (Sotiriadis & Galanakis, 2022). This cognitive orientation fosters the development of resilience and an assertive stance toward resolving challenges. Organizational characteristics are of a significant factor in influencing resilience. Training programs that specifically target stress management, conflict resolution, and communication skills equip employees with tangible resources to handle various problems effectively (Andersen et al., 2021). Effective and open communication from organizational leadership regarding expectations and modifications promotes a sense of security. Furthermore, an organizational culture that promotes the equilibrium between work and personal life while providing ample resources for mental health assistance serves as evidence of the entity’s dedication to the welfare of its employees. When individuals sense that their employer places importance on their wellbeing and overall personal growth, they are more inclined to foster resilience when faced with difficulties in the job. Benefits of Workplace Resilience Resilience in the workplace plays a crucial role in enabling individuals to manage and overcome stress and pressure effectively, particularly in emergency service provision. Sotiriadis and Galanakis (2022) note that “through the self-regulation theory, individuals can actively practice emotional resilience” (p. 962). In emergency service, the ability to remain composed and focused in high-pressure scenarios is paramount. Resilience equips professionals with the self-regulation skills necessary to navigate through unforeseen challenges, make swift decisions, and maintain a level-headed approach to problem-solving (Sotiriadis & Galanakis, 2022). By preventing nurse burnout, this ability guarantees the health and safety of patients. Employees can develop emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility, and efficient coping methods by encouraging a resilient mentality. These coping skills improve their ability to deliver high-quality service despite hardship. Resilience is advantageous since it improves self-regulation. This capability is essential for fostering self-compassion in the workplace; it forms the basis for developing successful tactics and approaches. According to Lefebvre et al. (2020), resilient individuals can enhance their capacity to manage and regulate stress and strain. Such workers are better at acknowledging their difficulties without criticizing themselves (Andersen et al., 2021). They are inclined to exhibit benevolence and empathy towards themselves during the periods of hardship. This self-compassion enhances an individual’s ability to recover from adversity by fostering a constructive and development-focused mental outlook (Hartmann et al., 2020). In essence, resilience plays a crucial role in cultivating self-compassion and creating a synergistic relationship that enhances the ability to overcome professional obstacles while promoting employees’ overall welfare effectively. Resilience enables employees to cope with stress effectively. This ability serves as a driving force for enhancing performance focused on a practical application in the workplace, as it facilitates an increased ability to tackle and overcome adversities (Lefebvre et al., 2020). Through the cultivation of resilience, individuals can adopt a proactive stance toward problem-solving, which facilitates their capacity to adjust fast and sustain their concentration during adversity. According to Wild et al. (2020), there has been a notable increase in pre-incident training initiatives designed specifically for first responders to preserve their psychological welfare following catastrophic occurrences (p. 128). This training improves employees’ ability to adapt to obstacles and fosters the feeling of empowerment, which results in increased efficiency and effectiveness in their work (Hartmann et al., 2020). In certain settings, such as nursing units, with their high demand and prevalent stress, resilience is crucial to mitigating the negative effects of stress-inducing factors. Individuals who possess resilience demonstrate enhanced abilities in managing their emotions and maintaining a state of equilibrium, which reduces the likelihood of burnout and compassion fatigue (Dees, 2013). Thus, not only does the cultivation of resilience enhance performance in practical applications, but it also fosters the establishment of a more supportive and durable work environment, thus yielding advantages for employees and their organizations. Resilience and Employee Retention Resilience in the workplace is crucial to mitigating employee turnover rates. Training creates a nurturing atmosphere that enables individuals to overcome obstacles and excel in their respective positions effectively. Employees that exhibit a heightened level of resilience are more adept at managing the inherent challenges and failures that may come with their professional roles (Sotiriadis & Galanakis, 2022). The enhanced capacity to manage problems effectively decreases the probability of experiencing burnout and frustration, thus positively impacting job satisfaction and general well-being. Resilient employees also have a greater capacity for adaptability and a willingness to embrace change, qualities that are crucial in the contemporary and evolving work environment. Moreover, competencies obtained through resilience training, including emotional regulation, proficient communication, and efficient problem-solving, increase an employee’s total efficacy, thus rendering them more proficient contributors to the team’s accomplishments (Baker et al., 2021). ...
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