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Strategic Foundations of the Plan in Administrative Area (Essay Sample)

Instructions Hide Write a descriptive Essay, of 4 pages where you develop the strategic foundations of the plan in the administrative area. Administration is key in the overall laying down of the business objectives and purposes as well as defining policies and laying down operational procedures Fill in this sentence: Contribute a minimum of (4) pages. It should include at least (2) academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. source..
Strategic Foundations of the Plan in Administrative Area Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Date Strategic Foundations of the Plan in Administrative Area In every business organization, the functional areas are always coexistent in order to make the business to work properly. Such functional areas are the financial, managerial, operations, human resource, administrative etc. With the same business strategy and purpose, the co-working of these functional areas results into the holistic success of the business. Broadly, the administrative area is concerned with managing the organizational resources, people and time. This area is key when it comes to drawing the general business strategic plan and it contributes immensely to the strategic foundations of the plan (Donahue, 2022). Business administration Strategic foundations refer to a structure or framework of given choices which define the direction and the nature of an organization. Administrative business plans serve as navigational charts which businesses follow to help the people in the organization to understand which position and the role they hold and it also offers the company a certain direction to follow. This paper describes the strategic foundations of the plan in the administrative area. In the realization of our business strategic plan, our business will look into its mission which tells it what it is doing, a vision which points out to where we are going and values of how to go about whatever we are doing. These acts as the glue which holds the organization intact. At the same time, the administrative area of our business plan will bring in about the knowledge and the tools to the working team in order to bring the entire work into focus and coordinate efforts so that the available resources are taken advantage of. The administrative area presents a clear manner in which work is to be completed helping the business organization to overcome obstacles which may arise (Thuis & Stuive, 2019). This means that, the administrative area is a key link upon which the whole business stands. The administrators will be key in making important decisions which they find convenient for the business and utilizing their own knowledge, they will have to manage and control the business. This means that the administrators have to be fully aware of the business target audience in order to execute the key functions of planning, controlling, organizing and coordinating. The strategic foundations of the business plan in the administrative area also entail the key strategies for effective administration. One key strategic foundation is cost management and budget control. The administration seeks to focus the business on a path of achieving quality in the product being delivered by also focusing on the growth of the organization as an institution and settle for a competitive positioning. The plan business also seeks to raise its utilities by increasing sales or by strategic acquisition of products at a lower cost. Cost management is key for a smooth running of a business. Administrators must strategize on how to administer the budget, manage risks and report variances. Another administrative strategic foundation is change management and control. Change is inevitable and ought to be managed at a functional level of a business. Administratively, change should be managed, evaluated, budgeted for, implemented and enforced through the organization. Goal-setting is another key strategic foundation of this area. The goals which the organization strives to achieve in a particular order require administrative input. A clear action plan ought to be drawn for the workforce stating particular targets. The SMART methodology should be adopted in goal-setting so as to have reasonable goals. Further, the strategic foundation of administration in this business plan will look into performance management through performance reviews which must be conducted within the organization. The administration will entail metrics which will provide direction and feedback to all team members in order that every person will know the value they have and also remains aligned towards achieving set targets (Thuis & Stuive, 2019). Administratively, the plan will also strategically analyze competition by seeking to answer the customers the advantages which the business has to offer as opposed to other competitors. Here resources will be focused on advertising products to the target audience in a direct manner so as to have greater sales. Again, the administration will strategize on planning and taking great care of the resources. The business plan must be accompanied with a project of future expansion with the main pillars of strategic planning being our product offering, the cost offering as well as short and long-term goals. Maximizing on the care for resources as well as taking advantage of such resources, both financial and human is key for keeping a balanced organizational economy. Primarily, the administrative area has to look into planning, organizing, managing and controlling as primary strategic foundations in order to achieve the business plan. Planning means that the administration will be involved in analyzing key strategies as well as tactics which can be used by co-workers. This will be dependent on the present needs of the business since plans can be drawn on short-term or even long-term. Planning the business beforehand will aid map the path from where the organization stands to where it ought to be in future days. The administrative area will help strategize for this. Under organizing, the business will distribute duties to every person while being considerate on the efficient time usage. Apart from task division, the activities have to be grouped into departments, organizational relationships specified. Staffing is not an option under the administrative area because workers have to be hired into specific positions to aid in fulfilling the organizational mission (Thébaud, 2015). By organizin...
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