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Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools (Essay Sample)


The task in this paper was to give the relevant strategies and ways Oatley company would develop a marketing method that would enable it to see a large number of customers. The discussion here was to suggest all the effective tools and digital support resources that would help the Oatley company raise the sales of the new but improved brand of Oatley barista in the company.


Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools
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Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools PAGEREF _Toc123330901 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc123330902 \h 3Theories And Issues That Relate to Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools PAGEREF _Toc123330903 \h 3Relevance Of The New Improved Oatly PAGEREF _Toc123330904 \h 4Responsible Marketing Strategy Involving the Product; Oatly PAGEREF _Toc123330905 \h 4Aligning the Marketing Teams and HR on the CSR Goal PAGEREF _Toc123330906 \h 4Using CSR Initiatives PAGEREF _Toc123330907 \h 5Showing off Key Decision Makers as Appropriate Thought Leaders PAGEREF _Toc123330908 \h 5Using Channels in Showcasing Brand and Giving Updates PAGEREF _Toc123330909 \h 5Marketing Strategies and NPD Process for Oatly Barista PAGEREF _Toc123330910 \h 6Importance And Correlation of Including Research on the Product’s Strengths and Weaknesses and The Marketing Strategies and Tools PAGEREF _Toc123330911 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc123330912 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc123330913 \h 8
Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools
Oatly Barista oat is the new product under New Product Development (NPD) process. The Oatly Company produces oatly milk products, although, with issues on green generation, the product might need to be more effective. So, a new marketing strategy is required for the new, improved oatly product as a dairy product alternative. The new product will be branded with customer wants, such as sustainable food products (Borgen Project, 2013). So, this brief will cover the marketing strategy and tools to effectively implement the New Product Development of oatly barista and its satisfaction to the consumers and sales for the company.
Theories And Issues That Relate to Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools
Consider the utilitarianism of Oatly barista. Improvement of the product influence more consumers as it is regarded as a green product. As Ottman (2011) suggests, the green generation theory, i.e., green lies to be the newest mainstream, confirms that making a new, improved product will effectively serve the community's needs.
By ethics in marketing and product development, most consumers in the community are ready to pay for premium green products due to the issues related to sustainability and health (Ottman, 2011). So, the improvement of oatly milk being more of a green product influence more consumers towards it.
Understanding consumers' cognitive structures is a comprehensive marketing strategy. The general public requires new and improved products to eliminate fears, including environmental and health (Ottman, 2011). Consequently, oatly company gains an added advantage to outweigh their dairy producers’ competitors (Agnihotri & Bhattacharya, 2021).
The green marketing campaign is important for oatly company to site opportunities in making and marketing oatly as a green product. This serves the community best, increasing its sales and enhancing oatly’s image in the company’s product list (Lindquist, 2019).
Relevance Of The New Improved Oatly
The general public has worried about the health effects of dairy products. So, sustainability, environment, and health issues are much concern to be solved by new oatly milk. The product substitutes dairy milk products in resolving their impact on health-related issues.
For instance, the new oatly barista has substituted Sugars with stevia sweeteners, making it free from curbs and calories—it also uses palm oil to substitute oil from the industrial seed and enhances nutritional factors.
The sustainability improvements of the new oatly product give quality assurance of healthy living and hence increases customer relations with the company. It helps the company serve most consumers who, regarding age demographics impressed with oatly baristas, are the targeted youngsters.
Concerning health issues and green produce theory, the product is of lower cost, but high quality and minimum reequipment are used to make a large quantity. The resources, and raw materials used, such as palm oil and stevia sweeteners, are cheap and clean. The NPD process is, therefore, effective.
Responsible Marketing Strategy Involving the Product; Oatly
Aligning the Marketing Teams and HR on the CSR Goal
A marketing audit helps the company conform to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals. It would require the CEO, product manager, and other marketing groups to team up. Such a team share works responsibly with the HR department to verify the significance of oatly company's relevancy to its marketing tools to consumers, the reliable sources for marketing the new product, and best practices to be used or are being used in the marketing process, among others.
Using CSR Initiatives
Branding will enable the oatly milk product to gain a bigger market worldwide by finding the brand's voice in the community. Customers using social media are in large numbers and are more influenced by digital marketing. The CEO and others should, therefore in the company make clear updates on the new product to connect consumers with what they are passionate about (Stephen, 2016 & Hallen, 2021).
Showing off Key Decision Makers as Appropriate Thought Leaders
The audit is important in providing consumer profiling, including checking the best age group to associate much in marketing the new product. The marketing managers and CEO should allow appropriate marketing, including online tools to market oatly, like blogs on the quality posed by new oatly milk. This guarantees enhanced marketing of oatly and best placed in the market (Dwivedi et al., 2021). Also, general consumers now prefer dairy substitutes over dairy milk products.
Using Channels in Showcasing Brand and Giving Updates
Customer relation and value cocreation provide room for customer reviews to enable quality improvement of the product. It helps the company provide quality assurance to cater to the consumers' needs. Hence using such social media tools, blogs, and articles, creates a correlation between the company and customers.
Marketing Strategies and NPD Process for Oatly Barista
Using social relations on social media is one key to the success of marketing oatly in this era. The influence of customer reviews on the product's effectiveness is essential as it makes a tool for oatly company to provide information on the improvement of the product.
Equipping future methods of selling. Members of the company NPD process, like the product manager, should always make views on new ways to market and sell the product. It would require the company to incorporate instant solutions from every associated group. It would also include the price of the product.
Develop an oat barista to fit the generation of young people. Youngsters influence today's market. Marketing toward generation Z is one focal point for improving a marketing strategy for a business (Kruse, 2022).
Importance And Correlation of Including Research on the Product’s Strengths and Weaknesses and The Marketing Strategies and Tools
The analysis that includes researching the strengths and weaknesses of oatly product provides analysis that improves its marketing. It includes relating environmental, political, and legal issues, among others, and product improvement.
The NPD process becomes perfect as it relates to the relationship between the surrounding issues to be solved by oatly. Such includes the improved oatly barista solving the dairy product health-related issues.
Including internal and external responsible marketing of baristas is an initiative process to enable a large audience through employee marketing and social relation.
Moreover, Severson (2022) claims that making suggestions on green product enhancement to the new product enables the product to fit generation Z. This includes making concerns of the product align more with the wants of young individual consumers in the UK and all

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