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Unionization of the Air Transportation Industry (Essay Sample)


Consider the economic downturn in the United States over the past few years and the resulting financial impact on the air transportation industry. What effect do you think unionized labor has had on the financial viability of the industry?
Take a side on the issue (either for or against unionized labor) and in the discussion post why you chose your position, citing examples to support your opinions. No straddling the fence on this one, this assignment structure necessitates you taking a firm position on one side of the matter


Unionization of the Air Transportation Industry
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Unionization of the Air Transportation Industry
The air transportation industry has been at the forefront in enabling economic expansion in developed nations. However, the emergence of economic downturns has affected this industry resulting in a decline in demand and contribution to the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The subsequent impact of these challenges resulted in the incapability of airline providers to cater for labor expenses, among other costs that led to the declaration of bankruptcy. Despite these challenges, unionized labor has supported the air transportation industry to ensure its financial viability.
Labor unions in the air transportation industry assisted the industry to stabilize financially through accepting concessions. Economic 

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