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Five Pillars Of Islam And Discuss Them In Details (Essay Sample)


Write about the 5 pillars of Islam and discuss them in details


The 5 Pillars of Islam
Islam is one of the major religions in the world. The religion was founded by Mohammed who existed between the year 569 632C.E (Christian and Islam Lives Slide 30) .Mohammed brought people to the attention of one God when at that time, people had many gods. Islamic religion, just like other religions, conducts worship services uniquely. For instance, it is important to note that the Islamic religion has five major pillars. These are: Shahada, Prayer (Salat), Almsgiving ( Zakat), Fast of Ramadhan(Sawm) and Haji (Christianity Islam Practical slide 74). The focus of this paper is to discuss the foregoing pillars in depth.
The Five Pillars Unravelled
Shahada is one of the most important pillars in the Islamic religion. The pillar represents a statement of fait with simply two sentences. The first sentence is, ‘there is no God but Allah’ and the second one is ‘Mohamed is His prophet’ (Christianity Islam Practical slide 75). It is worth noting that by an individual pronouncing the pillar with the intent of becoming a Muslim, they automatically a member of umma (Christianity Islam Practical slide 75).
Almsgiving is another pillar in the Islamic religion which advocates for a society which is equal (Christianity Islam Practical slide 77). Indeed, equality is one of the major tenets of the Islamic religion. The pillar supposes that each individual has a responsibility of ensuring the poor in the society are uplifted. In order to ensure this is achieved, the pillar stipulates that a member ought to contribute between 2 and 10% of their earnings so that the proceeds can be used in helping the poor (Christianity Islam Practical slide 77). The money collected may also be used to build churches and schools (Christianity Islam Practical slide 77). The pillar is hinged on the belief that those who make their contributions religiously will be repaid twice by Allah (Christianity Islam Practical slide 77).
Salat (Prayer)
The pillar of Slat posits that a Muslim should pray at least 5 times a day; whichever time is appropriate to an individual(Christianity Islam Practical slide 81). It also encourages Muslims to pray with others in places of worship (Christianity Islam Practical slide 81).
Fast of Ramadhan
This is one of the most important pillars as far as the Islamic religion is concerned. It happens during the ninth month of the year (Christianity Islam Practical slide 93). The month, is highly regarded because it is believed to be the month when the founder of Islam, Mohamed, received his first revelation of the Quran (Christianity Islam Practical slide 93). During this month, the Muslims do not take any meal during the day. They can only take breakfast before the sun rises and take supper after the setting of the sun which they...
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