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Social Sciences
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this essay highlights the importance of adopting a health system that is interlinked and therefore makes it easier for quick identification of highly communicable diseases such as COVID-19 and/or ebola. this would be achieved by following several set S.O.Ps first one being the sensitization of health teams. source..
A Plan for Social Change Student’s Name University Course Professor Date A Plan for Social Change A global perspective would be taught into local practice by first sensitizing my team about the interlinking health issues across borders. I would insist on the fact that diseases like COVID-19 and Ebola spread widely and may also affect our local community. These would entail the organization of sessions for education with the help of guest speakers with expertise in global health and the infusion of global health topics into the staff meetings and regular training sessions. Also, there is a need to consider the adoption of evidence-based practices that work in other countries. The strategies could be borrowed from countries with robust health systems or be gleaned from innovative practices in resource-poor settings. For example, community-based health models of developing countries need to be researched where disparities are successfully resolved. Way to advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective Our view on this will definitely be enriched globally by giving us an insight into health and the delivery of healthcare in a similar light. This would help us consider the different beliefs and practices that one has with regard to his cultural setting when giving care to a patient of a varied background, for instance, knowledge of the cultural attitude towards vaccines or traditional healing practices. This can only broaden our perspective, improve our communication and rapport with patients, and eventually result in improved health outcomes. Impact of the Global Perspective Incorporation With this approach of holding a global viewpoint, my local practice as a nurse leader would be more adaptive and resilient to new health threats. That way, we will be better positioned to contain pandemics, deal with natural disasters, or any other humanitarian crisis within and without our borders. In such proactive work, the patients and health care at large would benefit. Representation of the incorporation of the global perspectiv...
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