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National and Global Health Issues (Essay Sample)

The task was to examine and discuss the three most significant health issues affecting the globe. The instruction given was to create an approach to how the negative effects caused by these issues can be mitigated or solved completely. Issues including infodemic, lack of funds, and limited human resources were extensively discussed. source..
      National and Global Health Issues    An Essay Presented  by (name)  (first name, middle name, and last name of author)  to  Institutional Affiliation        National and Global Health Issues  Over the years, health issues have become a great impasse ravaging the entire world. And while several major countries of the world, including the United States, have merged together, forming a global network through the United Nations landscape to fight these global health issues, their effects have however continued to become palpable while creating a significant negative impact on all nations across the world as time whirls by. This paper will, however, take a gander look at 3 major global health issues ravaging the human space, including creating an approach to mitigating or solving these issues.   Generally, a sound health system is believed to be the strength of any nation, as the posterity of a nation is determined by its health system. However, according to a publication released by the United Nations Foundation, over 5.2 million children die from causes that are preventable, and approximately 800 women and girls die every day - an incidence characterized by complications during pregnancy or childbirth (World Health Organization 2023). Nonetheless, it is believed these incidences and many more are, however, caused by certain global health issues which include the following.   Limited Human Resources for Health: The pillar of every health system is subjective to its health workforce. The insufficiency of skilled labor in the health sector has continued to be a recurring global health issue affecting the health system. Statistically, there is approximately 17.4 million shortage of health workers globally, and the figure is projected to increase to 18 million by 2030 (Lucero-Prisno et al. 2022). Additionally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of deaths of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic hike period ranges between 80 to 180 thousand from January 2020 through May 2021, thus making COVID-19 one of the factors responsible for the recent shortage of health workers globally. However, other factors like the absence of hazard allowances and other perks are also contributing factors to the reduction of health workers as these contribute to the demoralization of front liners. Thus, there is a need for the healthcare workforce to be revamped globally in order to tackle the ever-increasing healthcare needs.       Lack of Funds for the Healthcare System: Lack of adequate funding is also one of the global issues affecting the health system. Albeit there are several health programs such as the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) created to financially support the health sector and improve health service delivery to those who most need them, nonetheless, the global health system generally lacks adequate funding to help deliver efficient healthcare services. In fact, Tambe (2022) reveals that approximately half of the world's population lacks access to essential health services which is technically caused by a lack of adequate funding.    Hypothetically, many African nations are performing poorly in response to meeting up with the Abuja Declaration target created to allocate a minimum of 15% of national funds to the health sector as jointly agreed by the Heads of States of African Union member states. This issue alongside other financial-related health issues in another continent then sums up to create a multiplier effect of funding issues in the global health system.      Infodemic: Described by WHO as an excess of information, including misleading and fake information during the outbreak of a disease, Infodemic has remained one of the major health challenges affecting the global space. In fact, rese...
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