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The importance of college education (Essay Sample)

This essay discusses the importance of college education in the United States. It explores the positive impacts of college education during the learning period, which allows students to grow and enhance their skills. Additionally, it highlights the benefits that a college degree can provide in terms of employment and stability. The essay also mentions risk assessment strategies for better decision-making. source..
Ben [Instructor's Name] [Course Number] 23 September 2023 The importance of college education College education is not an option for many students around the world, especially for those living in the U.S. Graduates of high school often find themselves compelled to enter the labor force and forego further education due to various sociodemographic considerations. However, despite the challenges posed by accessibility, college education remains a pivotal source of knowledge, skill development, and numerous opportunities, underscoring its significance. College education is a significant point of interest for high school students about to graduate. In the U.S., 62.7% of the 3.118 million students who graduated from high school in 2020 were enrolled in college education (Hanson). Additionally, most of those enrolled in college education were studying in 4-year institutions, while 31.73% were enrolled in 2-year institutions (Hanson). Furthermore, Hanson stated that 66.2% of female students who graduated from high school in 2020 were immediately enrolled in college education, compared to 59.3% of males. Thus, it is clear that high school students in the U.S. are interested in pursuing their college education. The first significant advantage of college education is its contribution to producing qualified individuals. College students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in specific fields. For example, individuals studying biology and life sciences are likely to acquire a considerable amount of information and expertise in the field, which can prove highly useful in both their daily lives and their professional careers. Moreover, college education is designed to enhance students' interpersonal skills. According to Acevedo and Lazar, college students acquire skills such as confidence and teamwork, which are immensely valuable in both daily life and when facing professional challenges. Furthermore, students can also harness the college environment to develop their social skills. Being around peers of the same age and with shared interests are key factors in fostering communication skills and a sense of belonging. Therefore, enrollment in college education offers the opportunity to expand and enhance several vital facets of students' lives. The second compelling reason for the importance of college education lies in the stability it offers. Firstly, college graduates enjoy significantly higher employment prospects. In 2021, more than 80% of “those with a bachelor’s or higher degree” were like to get a job compared to “68% for high school graduates” (Nietzel). This discrepancy underscores the psychological stability that college graduates often experience. Moreover, college education can pave the way for improved working conditions. Nietzel, a former university president, noted that those who attain a college degree tend to have brighter “employment prospects and greater annual earnings”, ultimately leading to increased financial stability. Furthermore, college education fosters social stability. Graduates are more likely to have established meaningful relationships and built robust social networks during their academic journey, resulting in strong social connections. Thus, college education contributes significantly to various forms of stability. On the other hand, pursuing a college education can be challenging. First of all, gaining acceptance to a college is quite demanding. A student must have a solid academic background in high school and sufficient knowledge to pass the entrance exam. Therefore, students must start preparing for college years before graduating from high school and study diligently for the entrance exam. The second challenge is the enrollment fee. Colleges in the U.S. require students to pay a significant enrollment fee if they are accepted. Consequently, many individuals choose to enter the workforce instead of attending college. Nevertheless, interested students can take out a loan to continue their college education, or they can work on improving their academic background in the years leading up to their application for scholarships. Finally, being a college student can present its own set of challenges. The need to adapt to new learning conditions and tackle unfamiliar subjects, all while working a part-time job to secure a decent income, can be overwhelming. However, with patience, determination, and effective time management, students can overcome these challenges. All in all, college education is a formidable challenge that, like any other challenge in life, is possible to overcome. Another s...
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