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Summary Analysis of the Poem “The Man in The Glass” Essay (Essay Sample)


the paper gives a Summary Analysis of the Poem “The Man in The Glass”. it brings out most things the poem talks of.


Summary Analysis of the Poem “The Man in The Glass”
“The Man in The Mirror” is an educational poem that has much truth about the world. It is very educative and simple to understand or follow. The poem talks mainly about honesty and integrity to oneself. The primary emphasis of the poem is on being true and integral to ourselves. Since childhood, we are often taught the importance of meeting external expectations such as ranks and grades. We, therefore, grow up learning how to meet external expectations and demand of others. However, somewhere on the pathway, we end up losing our focus on what truly is of importance to us. From the poem, it is true that making friends with own self and being comfortable with solitude is a significant source of wisdom, strength and confidence. Lack of being integral with the inner self can cause an individual to constantly struggle to maintain the external expectations of others, rather than their self-interests.

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