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Technology makes people feel lonely Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


I was to writean argumentative essay about (technology makes people feel lonely). it was to be against it, plus 3 body paragraph with into. & conclusion so in total 5 , and I only need (450word) maximum


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Technology Makes Us Feel Lonely
Technology is a handy tool, and it helps to keep us connected with one another virtually. However, people have portrayed it in a bad light in many ways. It helps us in catching moments with a group of friends like when we are hanging out. Most people have eyes on their screens while in transit. They use the travel time to catch up on reading, watch a video, or send texts or messages. Also, they use their devices to take pictures, record videos during a concert. Many people claim that technology is leaving the world in ruins as it keeps us disconnected socially, therefore making us feel lonely. Technology does not make us feel alone. Instead, people lack self-control. People claim that technology is fake, and this makes those who use it to be judged more than those who do not utilize it. It is us who make ourselves feel alone, and it is our decision and not social media.
People often lack self-control and do not have the discipline of keeping themselves from using smartphones. The reality is that even when technology and social media were non-existent, some of us would still have a few close friends in our lives. The majority are social friends, and social media is a place where we keep tabs with friends regardless of distance, through sharing photos and videos. People are not to be blamed for how they use technology since some use it to avoid people, and others use it to create contacts globally.

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