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Why Is Changing Health-Related Behavior So Difficult? (Essay Sample)

The task required me to write about the reasons why it is difficult to change health related behaviors. I took asthma as an example of a health-related condition, whose behaviors were to be explored for challenge of changing. these included a difficulty in maintaining a healthy and physically active regimen , a missing social support system, existing misleading beliefs, and a lack of self-drive. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Couse Date Why Is Changing Health-Related Behavior So Difficult? Many individuals find it challenging to change health-related behaviors. The reasons for such difficulties arise from the flawed model of perception exposed to such individuals. Asthma is one of the common health issues affecting many people. One may find it challenging to change behavior relating to the asthmatic condition due to unique factors at a social level. Maintaining a healthy and physically active regimen is challenging, especially at an individual level. Laziness and the lack of will to engage in such activities leads to a delayed response to the condition. Tracking the symptoms is particularly engaging, so if one is engrossed in other activities, it is possible to forget to check on the signs and only remember when the condition attacks. The lack of adequate motivation plays an instrumental role in forgetting the necessity of checking the signs of the onset of the condition. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is essential in hindering the progression of the ailment to life-threatening stages. Socially, a support system plays a crucial role in changing the behavior of the affected person. The necessity of such a structure is noted in the requirement for constant reminders to engage in positive behaviors. For instance, a family member suffering from the asthmatic condition requires continual cues to check on the indicators of the disease. An individual who is part of the support structure is particularly useful in helping the patient manage the dosage, aiding in the case of asthmatic attacks, and helping in implementing constructive behavior. The lack of the discussed factor makes it challenging for an individual to cope with the condition. An existing belief system is tested while implementing appropriate health-related behavior. Managing asthma necessitates one to have a robust disease management belief system. The environment one grows up in is instrumental to the formation of the perception system that translates to beliefs of asthma management. Anecdotal approaches, use of common sense, and gut feeling characterize environments with limited asthma management techniques (Kelly 111). Such misleading structures must be discarded by replacing them with evidence-based structures, which are reliant on scientific evidence. Linking pos...
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