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Abortion and it's Consequences (Essay Sample)


The task was to write an essay on abortion. the sample discusses abortion, and it's consequences


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Termination of pregnancy by expulsion or removal of the embryo or fetus before it attains survival traits outside the womb is called abortion. Abortion can be voluntary or involuntary. A voluntary abortion occurs when the carrier of the uterus instructs a medical expert to extract the fetus from the womb. Habitual abortion happens when a fetus leaves the uterus without human intervention. Some pregnancies get terminated when the fetus has the potential to survive outside the uterus is called late termination of pregnancy. In some countries such as the United States of America, abortion used to end unplanned pregnancy and also when tests reveal that the fetus is abnormal.
How safe is abortion?
Abortion is one of the fastest medical procedures said to be very safe, whether done in the clinic or via medication. Family planning is the most efficient way to avoid abortions, as it prevents unwanted pregnancies—chances of getting pregnant again after a successful abortion is high as there are rare known health complications.
However, there are risks associated with induced abortion, whether by surgical procedure or by pill. Some primary impacts include cramping and abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The common post-abortion complications include; damage to the uterine lining, heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion, loss of cervix, perforation of the uterus, and infection.
Consequently, there are psychological effects of abortion. Some women may experience guilt, memories of the abortion, lack of sexual desire, lack of appetite, and depression. These conditions call for emotional support from partners or counselors to help the woman go through the healing process successfully.
Experts recommend enough rest after abortion. Resting keeps the woman from heavy exercise, work, and regular activities for a few days. Doctors may recommend the use of sanitary pads to monitor the level of bleedi

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