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Depression (Essay Sample)
Common Symptoms, Causes of Depression and how to deal with the condition.
Title: Common Symptoms and Causes of Depression and How to Deal with it
Thesis: Depression is a condition majorly related to biological and social risk factors.
Definition of depression
The definition of depression depends on the context in the discussion. For an instant, in economic aspects, depression is referred to as decline in both economic and business activities. On the other hand, health specialists describe depression as a feeling of low self-esteem, low moods and a lack of interest in activities perceived to be enjoyable. It's regarded as a long-lasting state in which one is either mentally unfit or suffers from a mental disorder. Gilbert (3) estimates that approximately 100 million individuals across the globe suffer from the malady.
Principles of examining depression: These principles involve the technique of determining depression among individuals; the social and biological causes and risk factors; and the methods that patients employ in dealing with depression. Medical practitioners diagnose depression through the examination of the symptoms (Gotlib and Constance 613).
Causes of depression
Modern medical technology has helped mental health specialists to evaluate depression among people. The use of an instrument that measures electrical activity in the retina is vital. It shows that the retinas of depressed people do not respond as strongly to certain kinds of visual stimuli as the retinas of people who are not depressed (Klein and Paul 4). The risk factors and causes of depression are divided into two major categories: biological and social risk factors. The biological risk factors entail factors such as genes, chemical imbalance and gender. They can not only initiate but also develop depression. Chemical imbalance (decreases or increases of chemical compounds) can promote depression.
Determination of diagnosis of depression
The diagnosis of the depression entails the determination of the cause and the risk factors of the condition. For an instant, if it is as a result of the chemical imbalance, then the patient may use antidepressants to balance these chemicals.
Gender as biological risk factor explains why women are 50% more likely to suffer from depression than men. Males have a different risk to get depressed than females in that they have half chances of getting depression than women do. Depression in women can be as a result of pregnancy or the menstrual cycle with the prevalence being high during pregnancy.
Second, social risk factors such as financial problems, loneliness, bad events and social statuses can also initiate and develop depression. Depressed patients may be victims of economic decline. Nevertheless, being socially active can reduce the risks of getting depression because sharing feelings with others can act as a buffer. The other factors are the death of a family member; bad experiences, such as losing a job; and parental divorce might cause family members to be depressed (Chan et al. 46).
Dealing with depression
It depends on the causative factor. The chemical imbalance can be assessed by a psychiatrist by prescribing medications such as an antidepressant. Some psychotherapy and social activities can also reduce the risks (Leventhal and David 209). Moreover, religious participation, individual's religious devotion, as well volunteerism may lower the rates of depression, especially in later life. Besides, marriage can also lower the risk in the discussion....
Title: Common Symptoms and Causes of Depression and How to Deal with it
Thesis: Depression is a condition majorly related to biological and social risk factors.
Definition of depression
The definition of depression depends on the context in the discussion. For an instant, in economic aspects, depression is referred to as decline in both economic and business activities. On the other hand, health specialists describe depression as a feeling of low self-esteem, low moods and a lack of interest in activities perceived to be enjoyable. It's regarded as a long-lasting state in which one is either mentally unfit or suffers from a mental disorder. Gilbert (3) estimates that approximately 100 million individuals across the globe suffer from the malady.
Principles of examining depression: These principles involve the technique of determining depression among individuals; the social and biological causes and risk factors; and the methods that patients employ in dealing with depression. Medical practitioners diagnose depression through the examination of the symptoms (Gotlib and Constance 613).
Causes of depression
Modern medical technology has helped mental health specialists to evaluate depression among people. The use of an instrument that measures electrical activity in the retina is vital. It shows that the retinas of depressed people do not respond as strongly to certain kinds of visual stimuli as the retinas of people who are not depressed (Klein and Paul 4). The risk factors and causes of depression are divided into two major categories: biological and social risk factors. The biological risk factors entail factors such as genes, chemical imbalance and gender. They can not only initiate but also develop depression. Chemical imbalance (decreases or increases of chemical compounds) can promote depression.
Determination of diagnosis of depression
The diagnosis of the depression entails the determination of the cause and the risk factors of the condition. For an instant, if it is as a result of the chemical imbalance, then the patient may use antidepressants to balance these chemicals.
Gender as biological risk factor explains why women are 50% more likely to suffer from depression than men. Males have a different risk to get depressed than females in that they have half chances of getting depression than women do. Depression in women can be as a result of pregnancy or the menstrual cycle with the prevalence being high during pregnancy.
Second, social risk factors such as financial problems, loneliness, bad events and social statuses can also initiate and develop depression. Depressed patients may be victims of economic decline. Nevertheless, being socially active can reduce the risks of getting depression because sharing feelings with others can act as a buffer. The other factors are the death of a family member; bad experiences, such as losing a job; and parental divorce might cause family members to be depressed (Chan et al. 46).
Dealing with depression
It depends on the causative factor. The chemical imbalance can be assessed by a psychiatrist by prescribing medications such as an antidepressant. Some psychotherapy and social activities can also reduce the risks (Leventhal and David 209). Moreover, religious participation, individual's religious devotion, as well volunteerism may lower the rates of depression, especially in later life. Besides, marriage can also lower the risk in the discussion....
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