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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Food and nutrition. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


the task was about the effects of FAST FOOD while this sample also is about the health limitations of junk food


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Harmful Health effects of fast foods
Fast food is now omnipresent in our society due to the changing technologies. This contributes to poor dietary quality and poor health among children and adults. Research reveals that fast food consumption is influenced by a lack of cooking confidence and time pressure in our society. As a product of conference proceedings, this paper discusses the effects of fast food like obesity, heart problems, high blood pressure, depression, and dental distress.
Firstly one of the severe diseases of fast food is obesity. Obesity is the increase in body weight over the recommended one by 30% due to the high rate of fats and sugar in the body (Periodical Knopp, Christina 02.). It contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugars that give the body extra calories over its daily needs, which can lead to excess pounds. Obesity increases the risk of respiratory problems. This, in turn, can cause shortness of breath and wheezing even when you carry out very little physical activity. When you consume too much sodium from the fast food, it will leave you feeling puffy, bloated, and swollen; this will worsen your obesity condition and may lead to death. The solution to this hazardous effect requires one to carry out a physical exercise to reduce or eliminate the unwanted body weight and be physically fit and healthy.

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