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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized For Medical Purposes (Essay Sample)


Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized For Medical Purposes. The sample simply elaborates or give reasons why marijuana should be legalized for medical benefits.


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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized For Medical Purposes
The perpetual debate on whether medical marijuana should be legalized still faces major criticism from the general public. (2014) reports that 23 of the 50 states in the U.S. are already embracing marijuana as a medical treatment, but more people are questioning doctors’ perspectives on the medical benefits of cannabis. This skepticism arises from the fact that marijuana is a commonly abused drug that is being used by 3.8% of the world’s population ( However, there are substantial pieces of evidence that point out the positive effects of medical marijuana. For this reason, more states should be inclined on legalizing marijuana for medical purposes so as to improve the health of patients who have marijuana as the only affordable treatment option.
Firstly, there are a greater number of doctors than consumers who back up the legalization of medical marijuana. According to WebMD, an online medical resource, more than 69% of the doctors and 52% of the patients believe that there is more to marijuana than what the public thinks (Rappold). 

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