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How and to what Extend can Our Society Defend Our Civil Rights? (Essay Sample)


Peaceful coexistence and social interaction among people unlock their potential and increases the chances of success as proven time and again by history.


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How and to what Extend can Our Society Defend Our Civil Rights?
To a certain degree, there is an unwavering force that wants everyone to belong, perhaps to their ‘race, national origin, sex, religion, or disability’, yet we all need to belong to the mainstream and thus lose our true identity. Fear of stereotyping and sidelining by the society has made everyone culpable, either consciously or unconsciously, as put by Kenji Yoshino, of ‘covering.’ As postulated by Kenji Yoshino, covering has been adopted as a means of repressing “a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream”. The need for conformity has forced many people, especially the minority groups, to assimilate to the white majority in America thus questioning the efficacy of civil rights. Wesley Yang has depicted in his article, "Paper tigers", how Asian-Americans and “faceless Asian kids” strive to fit in the white majority country. In the face of assimilation and covering that has been embraced as a means of promoting peaceful coexistence and social interaction in America, the society has failed in its role to strengthen, complement and defend our civil rights in the wake of increasing cultural and ethnic diversity in the USA by promoting integration and embracing social diversity.

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