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Public Interest and Leadership Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


this is an ESSAY about the public interest and leaders.


Public Interest and Leadership
Serving the public interest is the only duty for leaders or public managers. Furthermore, any public manager must be aware of the definition of public interest as it what the people or citizens would decide to do about a certain issue if they have a clear vision of all aspects of the issue, with impartial and fair actions. However, the challenge is in the determination of the public interest or how the public managers can act based on knowing the details of public interest aspects. There have been continuing arguments for decades between political science experts and social scientists about the determination of the public interest. For example, it is the total interests of the people, the general demands and the greater good while for others, the public interest is whatever the elected president or the elected party in Congress says it is. On the other hand, the public interest is the essential duty for public managers so that they need to analyze any issue according to standard categories related to the public interest. Hence the categories will be guidance instructions.
In addition, the process to track the public interest requires two steps: the first step is to make a presentation for the discovered aspects of the issue and the second step is to compare the requirement decisions and duties with the aspects of the public interest: democracy, mutuality, sustainability, and legacy. Democracy and mutuality are for present concerns while sustainability and legacy for future concerns. Moreover, tracking the public interest will be through addressing each aspect respectively, as each aspect associated with seven properties as a guide map to illustrate the best option for dealing with the issue and to fulfill the public interest demands.

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