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Discussion 2: “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

Discussion 2: “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” 1. Compare THE SOCIETIES OF Omelas and Um-Helat. HIGHLIGHT THEIR GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS. What are the key differences in how these societies achieve and maintain their utopian states? 2. Who are Social Workers in Um-Helat, and What's their role? 3. What action(s) is (Are) Forbidden in Um-Helat? What does this prohibition help to preserve? 4. Considering the ethical and philosophical implications of both societies, which would you prefer to live in, Omelas or Um-Helat? source..
Discussion 2: “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Code Instructor Date Discussion 2: “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” Qn. 1: Comparing Omelas and Um-Helat Despite being set several years apart by different authors, both Omelas and Um-Helat are societies created based on the concept of utopia. Like the Omelas society, the Um-Helat values happiness and well-being (Guin, 2015; Jemisin, 2020). However, the source of the happiness differs significantly. Whereas Omelas’ happiness depends on one child's suffering, Um-Helat’s happiness is built upon a sense of mutual care, community, and equality. While neither of the stories explicitly mentions the type of government structure, Um-Helat seems to have a more organized and proactive governance system with social workers and mechanisms for dealing with contamination from the outside world (Jemisin, 2020). Regarding technology, Um-Helat’s technology appears to be advanced, with controlled gravity and the ability to bridge between worlds. This suggests that the Um-Helat society embraces technological progress. On the other hand, Omelas focuses on the moral dilemma and does not delve into technology to the same extent as Um-Helat. Qn. 2: Social Workers in Um-Helat In Jemisin’s story, the phrase ‘social workers’ is used to connote the individuals serving the Um-Helat community as peacekeepers or law enforcers. Social workers maintain harmony and society's well-being by addressing any breaches of the barrier between Um-Helat and our world. In other words, when a citizen of Um-Helat becomes contaminated with knowledge or ideas from the ‘dangerous’ outside world, the social workers take action (Jemisin, 2020), including, in extreme cases, terminating the individual to prevent the spread of harmful knowledge. Qn. 3: Forbidden Actions in Um-Helat Contamination from the outside world is forbidden. In other words, Um-Helat’s citizens are strictly prohibited from engaging with, exposing themselves to, or accepting ideas, concepts, or information from our world (Jemisin, 2020). As a utopian society, Um-Helat is founded on the rejection of injustice, suffering, and inequality, which are considered the negative aspects of the outside world. Therefore, the prohibition is meant to reduce, if not eliminate, the chances of disrupting the utopian harmon...
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