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How can I-O psychologists promote diversity in the workplace? (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

the client had been given an assignment to write on How an I-O psychologists can promote diversity in the workplace. the paper was to use specific references selcted by the client, which they had used in submitting a related paper, and their teacher advised that the same references shoud be used. the assignement was directed, because the client had their own materials and how they wanted the paper to look like, based on their teacher's preferences. source..
How can I-O psychologists promote diversity in the workplace? Student Name Institution Subject Date How can I-O psychologists promote diversity in the workplace? Diversity management entails more than controlling or containing diversity. It goes to the point of enabling each member in the workplace to perform to their potential. Through this, we can get what we rightfully expect from them, and also everything they have to give. In a diverse workforce, the work factor that should count above everything else is competence. An I-O Psychologist is capable of promoting diversity in their workplace through several ways such as reinforcement among others discussed in this paper. The information used to write this paper has main majorly obtained from online data resources such as search engine and Google scholar, and have been analyzed and incorporated into my new ideas and thoughts. They have been proven to be recent, having been published not more than five years ago, and comprising diverse studies on the impact of I-O psychologist in a workplace. This study reviews diverse literature sources to understand the roles of I-O psychologists in promoting diversity in the workplace. The first way in which an I-O Psychologist is capable of promoting diversity in their workplace is by training the employees on unconscious biases. This involves enlightening them on diverse opinions and views people have against each other, which have been automatically activated by the settings we grew up in. these opinions and views have a daily effect on our behaviors and the kind of decisions we make. This training helps employees become aware of the unconscious biases and how it impacts people's lives, especially those belonging to groups that are taken to have an Equality Act 2010 protected characteristic (s). The characteristics are gender, age, religion, race, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, and/ or marital status (Truxillo et al., 2015). Truxillo et al.’s (2015) article is valid by the fact that it is analyses studies done about the ways in which an I-O psychologist can influence people’s perceptions. The unconscious bias training also reduces the actions depicting business to people and/or groups of people having a certain protected characteristic, and changing employees' attitudes and behaviors towards those people. This leads to equality dominated workplace. This training can be offered by the I-O Psychologist through online sessions and/ or meetings in either zoom or cloud meetings, to an individual employee who is found to be biased in the workplace, and/ or the entire workforce (Atewologun et al., 2018). One-on-one training sessions can also be held, where the I-O Psychologist interacts with workers and creates awareness about the issue. Psychologists conduct an unconscious bias test(s) to establish how quickly can each employee in the workplace connect positive and negative stimuli with labels such as gender differences, age, ethnic groups, and race among others. Providing the results and clear information on the effects of biases at work in form of illustrations helps employees understand the need for change. After the tests are done and the information provided, it is helpful to provide suggestions and/ or guidelines on how each affected individual can successfully overcome the vice (Atewologun et al., 2018). (Atewologun et al., 2018)’s article comprises of a recent analysis on the influence of psychologists in the lives of bias affected people. Another approach to ensure diversity is to put measures in the workplace aimed at reducing implicit bias behavior among workers. I say reducing because there are biases that might not be possibly dealt with completely in several workplaces. The use of more classic unconscious bias tests, which comprise both the unconscious awareness, its effects concern, and the use of available tools in reducing bias, is believed to help in the reduction of unconscious bias up to two months after the intervention. Because the explicit bias changes from time to time leading to shifts in beliefs and attitudes about specific people and/ or groups at the conscious level, addressing explicit bias are, therefore, more fruitful in that case than unconscious bias training (Gupta 2019). This source has a recent analysis on the effects and the need of a psychologist in promoting diversity, thus being a credible source for the study. Modifying assumptions is another useful tool that promotes diversity in a workplace. It has been a challenge to make any changes in the present-day corporate culture, due to the opposition one faces. This culture has diverse assumptions, held and learned most predominantly at family levels that greatly influence people's attitudes and perceptions towards others. These perceptions about gender roles, for instance, might influence how an individual addresses members of a certain gender. An I-O Psychologist can modify the assumptions that the employees have, which translates to negative attitudes towards certain people and/or groups of people. (Thomas Jr et al., 2002) addresses the diverse impact that an I-O psychologist can make to the members of the society they live in; thus, the article’s information matches the study’s expectations. Finally, an I-O psychologist can promote diversity in a workplace is through igniting and helping workers to pioneer through becomi...
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