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Module 1 Short Paper (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

The paper provided the folowing scenario: You are a reporter for your local media outlet and have scheduled an interview with your local congressperson, who sits on the Committee on Ways and Means for the U.S. House of Representatives. From this scenario, I was to develop three questions I would ask, and explain my rationale for asking these questions. Specific elements I was to include were an explanation of how each question will lead to myintended goal and A defense of mystrategy with scholarly research. source..
Module 1 Short Paper Student Name University Course Professor Name Date Module 1 Short Paper Question One What would be your response to concerns that your party is obstructing the president's agenda rather than proposing constructive alternatives? This question addresses the public perception of obstructionism and provides the congressperson an opportunity to explain their party's actions and viewpoint on the legislative process. Given the increasing concern over ethics in public office, there are questions regarding how parties ensure that their actions are ethically grounded and beneficial to the public. In addressing concerns about bottlenecks in executive decision-making, it is important to reflect on the nature of budget reforms in the past when key legislative initiatives were created. Starting from the 20th century, the government budget has been developed as an important tool for economic policy (Milakovich & Gordon, 2016). This tool requires the implementation of a budgeting process in response to dynamic economic conditions. Over the decades, the focus of budget reform has shifted from controlling spending to measuring performance and reducing deficits. The ultimate goal here was to meet the federal budget. Placing current legislation within this historical framework, members of Congress must clarify whether their party's positions are aimed at ensuring economic and sustainable development, rather than just challenging their interests. Moreover, a new trend in public administration since the late 19th century has been the separation of politics from administration to improve the economy and efficiency of government. The promotion of merit-based pay and adherence to scientific management practices helps public officials maintain ethical standards. Further, the focus on principles is an opportunity for the member of Congress to argue in favor of their party's actions based on long-term efforts to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of government. The member of Congress must affirm their readiness to resist attention to procedural control. In this way, this discourse is an opportunity to understand the complex interaction between administrative expertise and democratic participation. As the complexity of society increases, the need for business professionals and various forms of public administration also increases. A conflict often arises between the need for expertise and the need for citizens to participate in decision-making (Milakovich & Gordon, 2016). The discussion over measures to promote transparency and accountability, such as freedom of speech and solar laws, is a way to demonstrate commitment to open government. This assures voters that their actions benefit society rather than hinder progress. Most importantly, the question and accompanying discussion are an opportunity to define ethical considerations that guide efforts to increase democracy and participation. Question Two What are some strategies you use to ensure that your actions on the Committee represent the democratic process and the will of the people? This question is relevant and allows the congressperson to explain their approach to representing their constituents' interests, ensuring transparency and accountability in their legislative activities. Current discourse over public administration focuses on the performance and efficiency of government programs. Therefore, this question is an avenue for the Congressperson to discuss concrete steps taken to improve government operations and serve the public better. The process of maintaining transparency and accountability in the legislative process is dependent on ensuring that the committee's work reflects the democratic process and the will of the electorate. Historically, the Office of Management and Budget has played an important role in introducing budget control and planning to adapt to changes in the economy (Milakovich & Gordon, 2016). These functions were divided between the heads of the institutions, which led to a decentralization process. The reference to these historical changes helps to link to what members of Congress can do to balance surveillance and individual autonomy. The goal of this balance is to become more responsive to the needs of the people. This balance allows legislators to ensure that budget decisions consider broader economic policies and regional perspectives. Other questions about methods to improve the capacity and performance of the government are important to understand real improvements in public administration. Central coordination is a continuous requirement to secure operational and accountability. For example, the financial function requires strong coordination to effectively manage government program (Milakovich & Gordon, 2016)s. Through this question, the legislator can discuss how their committees can adopt new work methods. Some examples include output-based budgeting, to ensure that resources are used efficiently and program outcomes are met. Notably, focusing on results-based management helps bridge the gap between legal goals and real benefits which then demonstrates a commitment to good management. Going forward, accountability is enforced in the bureaucracy through different means, and there is often a conflict between the constitution and the authorities. Given the power and discretion entrusted to them, agencies must face the complexities of political scrutiny and independence (Milakovich & Gordon, 2016). The discussion over how committees handle these dynamics is a chance for the members of Congress to clarify steps to increase understanding and responsiveness. For example, introducing new performance management systems may improve the monitoring of government projects. This system improves communication between citizens, elected officials, and public administrators, ensures that government activities are consistent with the needs of the public, and preserves authority. Question Three "What measures are needed to improve public trust in Congress to show that officials are working for the people rather than against each other? The basis for this question is that public trust directly ties into concerns about obstructionism and partisanship. Therefore,...
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